Or maybe they aren’t sure how to end it themselves?

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  1. I approve. This increases the chance that at least one of those endings will not be shite. Hey, while we're at it, any chance of shooting a few more versions of seasons 6 and 7? The first draft was kinda sorta ungodly horrendous.

  2. I'd like to think of it like those choose your own adventure books. If someone wants Cersei to win they can watch her ending. If someone wants bran to die they can watch that ending. I think it's a genius tactic.

  3. The only problem I have with Whatculture is that it seems like everyone (except for maybe king Ross and Simon) has the very same personality. They are all awkward goofball comedians with the very same style of delivery. not enough diversity in personality

  4. Writing has gotten so bad and careless, it doesn't matter to me anymore if any of the characters die. Like Harrison Ford never wanting to return to Star Wars for a flashback scene, I doubt any of the actors even care anymore if their character dies. Fan fiction/feminist Nazi junk.

    Most of the females are annoying or bitchy. The younger characters below age 25 are dumb and need saving. The best characters are minor ones that are above 40 and act like comic-relief or mysterious. And if they die, I probably won't care anymore.

    Night King, ftw. They all deserve to die. Just waiting for it to say The End. GoT jumped the shark years ago. The finale will be a disappointment like LOST. Most series finales for any popular TV show are disappointing anyway.

  5. Don't get me wrong, I really like Adam, third of his name, BUT where the hell is Plumpy, this can't be the end of the love triangle??? It must continue until Ben and Plumpy reunite and make sweet, beautiful news together once more!

  6. I thought Cersei was pregnant in the episode when she told Jaime. I looked up spoilers because I wanted to know if LittleFinger was going to JUST DIE ALREADY, and in the spoiler list I found it said Cersei wakes up in a pool of blood because she miscarries. I was convinced she was going to miscarry in the last episode of season 7. They fooled me.

    Now I'm with the people who think Cersei is lying about being pregnant, because she has so much to gain from pretending to be pregnant. And she was working so hard to keep Jaime with her, because he wasn't seeing eye to eye with her anymore.

  7. Here's the full story, "game of thrones films multiple endings to avoid leaks". How the hell does one simple sentence turn into a 7 minute video? The season's over, move on to some relevant content. Half of what Adam C says about GoT is wrong anyway, I don't think anyone needs to be reminded of that piss poor 'quiz'

  8. I hope it's going to be like Clue (1985), where the different countries it airs in or the different websites that get "leaked" finale will have completely different versions of the endings. Like in the German dub Dany gets run through with a sword and in the English Cersei is set on fire my Arya or something. lol

  9. There's no way they're filming 4 episodes which will never be used.
    They might shoot multiple versions of key scenes and some fake shit that wont be used. But 4 full episodes? Nooope.

  10. old style you tube video response. young terry jones is reading the news that is a review of what happened on the show before, then reads that the announcer is hit by a giant hammer, then a giant hammer bludgeons him


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