I’ll admit — I joined the “Game of Thrones” hype pretty late. It was only upon hearing the uproar about the show’s final season in 2019 that I decided to jump into the series. Sure, call me a fake fan or a bandwagoner, but there was something charming about watching a show that took the world by storm during the post-hype period after its ending. It was during that initial viewing that I understood how a fantasy series featuring magic, dragons and an obscene amount of blood and gore could become a worldwide indulgence. And shortly thereafter, it became mine.

Though the show is far from perfect, I truly believe that seasons one through six of “Game of Thrones” represent some of the most successful book-to-screen adaptations that we’ve ever seen, as evidenced by the record number of Emmy wins amassed by the series. Barring the writing, seasons seven and eight — though infamous for their erratic and contrived plots — exceeded expectations in every other department. I ripped through George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” prior to my second rewatch of “Game of Thrones” (mind you, that was 4,244 pages read during quarantine) to fill in the gaps and understand exactly what was executed well and what was not. After all of that, I think I’ve got my obsession down to a science.

“A Song of Ice and Fire” and, subsequently, the “Game of Thrones” TV series have a poignant focus on humanity, especially in the first six seasons of the show. Yes, on the outside, the series looks like “dragon lady and ice monster,” but it’s so much more than that. In a world where more power is just an arm’s length away, how far will you go for a taste of it? Whom will you betray? What does family, honor, duty, friendship and love mean to you? And after the fact, once you’ve gotten what you think you deserve, are you strong enough to keep it? Who really knows what it means to rule? All these questions and more are discussed continuously throughout the series — book and TV alike.



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