My Response to, “The Walking Dead Sucks Now!”

Q /A – trev I love the channel, probably watch you more then any other channel. But you need to address how bad things are, the show is dying- bad writing, poor action, no character development. Viewing figures, negan has not proved successful. You need to do a video addressing this and be honest…. people are switching off – Mark Monopoly

Q&A – With all the theories floating about online, do you think there is any logical scenario in which Carl survives the bite without pulling off a stupid/ridiculous twist?
Is any scenario remotely believable or possible in your opinion? –

Hry trev, I heard that because of Carl’s death, they might totally eliminate the whisper story arc. What are your thoughts on this? – A.J. Unlimited

Nah I still loved “Too Far Gone” – Guts The Black Swordsman

If they would bring back the gore and originality, then hell yeah. I feel like this finale would mirror Too Far Gone but with Rick actually successfully talking a villain down. –
Zomb Leader Studios

Hey Trev, Don’t you think its REALLY WEIRD that Carol hasn’t seen/met Negan yet! – Connected VG

AMC has gone and screwed it up – agentsmithmememe

Is there an endless amount of saviors? They shouldn’t have that many left still. –
Jack Goldberg

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  1. I used to look forward to Sunday nights like no other. A group of family or friends would get together and watch The Walking
    Dead. I used to rewatch episodes after they aired. Watch them again on Netflix before the new season would air. Not anymore. I still watch but I don't feel the same way about the show. Stupid as it sounds, Season 6 finale left a bad taste in my mouth. Plus the pointless bottle episodes got way out of hand.

  2. I think everyone needs to stop making excuses for the show and push for change or at least admit that it's not as good as it should be. It has lost it's mojo. They don't know how to tell a story anymore, things are happening but there's no meaning to any of it. Everything feels meaningless and the dialogue is absolute garbage. The actors are fantastic, but the story is flat out bad due to poor writing and directing.

    I give it credit as you did for the early seasons and having some really great moments, but it can't ride on that forever. Season 7 and 8 have been in steep decline and the ratings show that, it's not because of streaming or any other things like that, if the show was as good as it was before then people wouldn't miss it live. I used to tune in every Sunday live but now I don't even care if I miss 4 or 5 episodes at a time.

  3. I did care what happened on the show and i have watched from the beginning but to be honest i dont really care much anymore.. Its basically gone to He//… They have just took to much we care about to care..

  4. stop being an apologist. Millions of people watch the kardashians, that doesn't make it good. it's not about action scenes, deaths, shocking moments… it's about the writing… the characters. Those things are in decline and that is why the show is declining.

  5. Trev, I've always really liked your videos, but you trying to defend this shows decline is depressing, Like every point. "is this show ever gunna be as good as it was during season 5, uh maybe not". What kinda mind set is that for a show. How is it even enjoyable if thats a point. uh whatever I could go on and on.
    I still like the show but I can notice its pretty much nothing special anymore, and is no where near the greatest show on tv anymore.

  6. This AOW is lasting too long. The Saviors are winning too often. Killing Carl was a huge mistake as was killing Glenn. I don't know what will help turn the show back around but they can start with killing Negan. The ratings have been falling ever since he killed Glenn and Abe. If they can kill Carl, then they sure as hell can kill Negan. I don't see the point of keeping him around.

  7. Your missing the deterioration in the writing. It's NOT so much the plot, good writing (with an exec who doesn't keep trying to chop it up for ratings) could make a plot like this work. The writing sucks and that effects EVERYTHING

  8. I'm just so sick of them shooting machine guns at each other and there's no bullet penetration anywhere you know it's obvious there shooting blanks because a pellet gun would go through corrugated tin they got strapped to those cars like its Bulletproof the only good it would do for them is the savior's don't know exactly where they are behind it it wouldn't stop bullets so that's my major complaint these action scenes suck ass a lot more people would have been shot those cars would have been disabled at the least tires blown out you know, it's like they're just throwing a Little dried mud balls that break apart on impact

  9. It just seems to be a cool thing to hate on it now because it's going in a new direction. Don't worry. The Walkers will be a huge threat again once the Whisperers come into it. Relax.

  10. Trev it's like you're doing PR for AMC rather than judging the current quality of the show. You're defending it by saying it's been so successful, at one point it beat Sunday Night Football in the ratings. That doesn't tell us anything about how the show is today. Also, pure popularity doesn't equate to quality either, otherwise American Idol is one of the greatest shows in the history of TV. Then you go on to say we have to give TWD credit because people have worked hard to bring us this season. People work hard on most shows and movies but it doesn't make them good.

  11. I was a diehard fan until about season 7. I really didn't want to stop enjoying it but it just got so lazy and the writing turned into crap so much that it became a drag to watch it each week. It's so sad to see the potential in the source material and see how AMC has butchered it with their greed and the shitty directors.

  12. Not to rain on your parade Trev but the upcoming battle between Rick and Negan  needs to be done better than the previous battles which were so bad that they brought to mind spaghetti western shootouts. I mean they've been entirely cringe worthy.  I have no comment regarding character development as at present it seems key characters are killed off simply to shock fans with the hopes of higher/better ratings for the series.  And those stupid cliffhangers!  Omg!  Stop it already!  This was such a great show through season 5 and then it really began its downhill journey.  I will tune in when it resumes but unless things make a drastic and believable change for the better I'm out.  This is seriously sad as TWD was my favorite show.

  13. I like the show…what I used to love were the triumps when in predicaments and charachter development. We have very little reward when Negan continously beats the group down, never gets compromised and my favs keep dying

  14. Come on Trev. You're enthusiastic about it because of your YouTube channel. It's difficult for you to be objective about it as a result. And it's difficult for me to take your opinion seriously as a consequence. I don't think you're being honest.

  15. Here are several examples proving that The Walking Dead is worse now.
    1.) Carl and Jesus completely switching character. Jesus was willing to kill but all of a sudden he isn't anymore. Carl was the guy who literally went to the saviors and killed several of them. Now he doesn't kill anymore. There isn't any reason even explaining why.
    2.) There is almost no character development. The only characters who have been developed this season are Eugene and Ezekiel(and that's only a little bit). All the other characters are hollow shells who haven't changed.
    3.) The new characters are trash. I couldn't give two shits about Eric dying and this goes back to him not being a developed character. The garbage people lead by Jadis have no depth in the slightest except that they're weird. That's their entire character. The only newer characters that have actually been entertaining are Negan and Simon and they're only in a handful of episodes.
    4.) The story is to long. The Governor's storyline lasted about 1 1/2 seasons. Negan's has been going for more than 2 and it feels barely anything has happened. If they had started the war midway through season 7 and ended it at the end of season 7 I feel the show would have been much better off.

  16. Hey it's the best show out there for the average viewer. I'm in the 50 – 60 yrs old group and I don't know what to do with my Sundays. Yes I watch football and love it. That's not even a comparison anyway!😄


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