Mystery Science Theater 3000, the show where a wise-cracking astronaut and his robot friends watch terrible movies and crack wise about them, has a long history. It was created by Joel Hodgson for a local Minnesota TV station way back in the late ’80s, gained a following, bounced around networks for the next decade, switched hosts, and finally ended in 1999, having taught a whole generation how to be snarky.

That generation still has a lot love for the series, and Netflix brought it back for two new seasons — now with host Jonah Heston (Jonah Rey) — in 2015 and 2018. And now Hodgson is prepping a thirteenth season to air at the Gizmoplex, an upcoming streaming service. This time the team took to Kickstarter to raise funds, amassing an eyebrow-raising $6,519,019 from 36,581 backers. Because what brings people together better than laughing at cinematic schlock? If something exists, I haven’t heard of it.

The new movie lineup for Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 13

Anyway, the MST3K team has revealed the lineup of movies they’ll be mocking this season:

  • Santo in the Treasure of Dracula
  • Robot Wars
  • Beyond Atlantis
  • Munchie
  • Dr. Mordrid
  • Demon Squad
  • Gamera vs. Jiger
  • Batwoman
  • The Million Eyes of Sumuru
  • The Shape of Things to Come
  • The Mask 3D
  • The Bubble
  • The Christmas Dragon

In addition to Jonah Rey, the show also stars Baron Vaughn as the voice of Tom Servo Hampton Yount as Crow. Patton Oswalt and Felicia Day play the Mads, the villainous scientists who are forcing the team to watch these movies. It sorta makes sense in context, if that matters, which it doesn’t.

I’ve enjoyed MST3K over the years, although it’s lame that the only way to see it now will be on a proprietary streaming service, as if the world needs more of those. Hopefully the price point won’t be too high.

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h/t The A.V. Club



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