


  1. I remember that the original game had a dynamic where the more money you had saved up, the harder the aliens would be. I found the file and would back it up at the beginning of the game, spend my money and then copy the file back over and do that over and over, always making sure I had spent everything by the end of the month.

  2. "They're Everywhere."

    Wrong game, Necro. Try the old FPS game "Marathon" some time.


    An old First Person Shooter that you probably never heard of. But it's still quite competent, and you can read up on the lore and history of the world through terminal text. You'll spend about as much time reading up on the lore as you will killing aliens in that game, that is, if the lore interests you.

  3. Four hits with a Laser Rifle to down a sectoid… Thats why I like to use the TftD Damage Option for OpenXcom.   Standard damage is 0-200% of weapon damage randomly applied. TftD is 50-150%.  That guarantees that =some= damage will always be applied.  Of course that applies both ways, but I'm fine with that too. 🙂
    And Yeah, nice work with the medikits !
    Nice work with the Laser Cannons on the small scout.  I've never used those as craft weapons.  They seem to fill the role of the cannon well. 🙂
    And then a Large UFO take down at night… wow.  Fun times!
    Cheers, Ivan 😀

  4. will be cool to see how it goes with this mission – will it be a slaughterhouse of mankinds elite soldiers? Or will the the alien scum get a taste of human justice? 
    … all this in the next episode.


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