Netflix is ​​more concerned about competition with video games than premieres and content from other streaming platforms, since competition for users is greater with Fortnite than with HBO, Disney or other competitors.

In its quarterly report, in the competition section, the company recognizes the following: “We compete (and lose) with Fortnite more than with HBO.”

With this, he points out that the Epic Games title steals more screen time and attention from the public, being a greater concern than the expected premiere of the last season of “Game of Thrones”, HBO’s strong letter.

“Our focus is not on Disney, Amazon or others, but on how we can improve our experience for our members,” says Netflix.

In said report, in which it points out that its new subscriber base increased by 8.8 million in the last three months of 2018, the streaming giant also pointed out that there are other sources of entertainment that are responsible for taking away audience and screen time, such as Youtube; and notes that when that platform had a global drop of a few minutes in October, its logins and views spiked at the same time.

“There are thousands of competitors in this highly fragmented market that struggles to entertain consumers.”

These Netflix points are given by Disney and Warner Media preparing their own streaming services, and that AT&T, which just added the HBO network to its media and telecommunications empire, plans to make it the anchor of a set of new transmission services , according to what his executive director, Randall Stephenson, said in recent days.

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