New Doctor Who Series 11 Jodie Whittaker Companions Revealed!

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  1. I've been digging your channel and videos until now. The whole bandwagon misandry thing is just sickening. Men being called racist and sexist because they don't prefer this blonde white woman lol as a black whovian I'm disappointed in the choice of the new doctor. Praising women just to do it is sexist. Those same people cheering on Jodi Whittaker would sneer at the thought of a black man portraying the doctor. And you only mentioned the men. What about the female whovian who don't like Jodi as well. It was a generic choice at best and we all know it. Now I'm sure I'll be called a Nazi or rapist for spouting an opinion whilst having a penis most likely by a privileged white fuck or a domineering femnazi that thinks black people shouldn't be allowed genuine opinion.

  2. Looking at Bradley, I think Graham will either be a kindly country 60's bobby, or as I've heard from other sources that the Bluebell Steam Railway has been closed for "secret filming", I'm guessing he could be a Railway worker, so Driver… Signalman… Porter… who knows… but other sources state the filming was for "Goodbye Christopher Robin".

  3. I am excited and interested indeed for series 11! Very excited to see what new and great this Chibnall will do.

    Just a question, will you do a video ranking the series' of modern Doctor Who from worst to best? (S6 and 7 are the worst! NO ALTERNATIVES ๐Ÿ˜‚)

  4. Lol, fuck these alt-right fanboys!! These racist sexist morons have been spoilt beyond recognition with this false notion that white men should only be the hero's. Thankfully the writers have acknowledged that society is more than just white men. Hopefully the black guy hooks up with the Doctor ๐Ÿ˜‰


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