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  1. I seriously love your vids. Just subbed you today and I'm currently doing a video spree lol. The various houses' mottos could really have a layered meaning. Instead of "the north remembers" the way Sansa sees it (vengence) I like to see it in the way Lyanna Mormont does as in "The North remembers it's vows" which is very important in the overall story, especially if mankind and White Walkers had a pact long long ago but the details had been forgotten over time which would make it easy for men to accidentally breach it without even knowing. Maybe the Starks (let's assume it was the North that made the pact) had done something wrong which caused "Winter to fall" again. I also agree strongly with you on how certain things like wood, wind, even blood hold 'memories' which can be interpreted and read by those people either trained to read them or have a certain fate with it (ie. the Hound) and which also explains how priestesses of Rhellor can read flame visions with blood. I highly doubt Thoros threw 'king's blood' into the fireplace before having the Hound try to read it, meaning blood sacrifice might not be necessary for unlocking magic. Maybe blood is just mistaken as a sacrificial ingredient to get visions when it is actually what is being 'read'? Kind of tinfoil territory here, but interesting vids get my imagination going so can't help it haha

  2. Perfect explanation! This is DEFINITELY being tied into all further theories! Great find!!
    Edit: This vision theory would explain why burning the 'Kings' Blood', or blood of First Men or w/e the case may be, is so powerful
    Edit: What do you think about the possibility that the 'magic rock' found at Starfall being a Dragon Egg and that dragon being used to forge Dawn?

  3. So lets assume that a pact will be formed at some time in the future between the Knight king and the living. How would such a pact be brokered when communication verbally seems to be out of reach. Here is my theory. Benjen Stark, who was created recently by the children of the forest was created by them to be the intermediary between the knights king and the living. He is part dead and part living. So the knight king can use him to communicate as he has control over the dead. This makes since because otherwise WHY would the children of the forest save him, if they did not have a higher purpose for him than just killing whites. It seems very likely that the children knew that communication between the knights king and the living would be needed and for that purpose benjen was created. They specifically choose Benjen because of his relation to the Starks and possibly the relation to the Knight King and To John Snow. Also it seems like the Knight King also had a part in creating Benjen for the same purpose. normally when a white is raised it is immediate, but not with Benjen. There seems to have been a delay, but why? This could be because the Knights king, who can also enter dreams and have visions, saw that Benjen would be found by the children and that they would convert him to be used as a intermediary. The Knight King therefore slowed down and made possible the conversion of Benjen into such a tool by the children of the forest. This could be a clue to the Knight king not being a force of pure evil but rather he has a grander plan and that there is a need for the living so his ultimate goal is not the eradication of the living but rather something else.

  4. what about the house of the unduying then? isn't that also a medium to peek in visions? and it doesn't have to be wood to fuel a fire…could have been clothes….however, I think that a to perform fire magic a type of sacrifice is needed and wood itself is sacrifice (instead of incense)

  5. Love this fire visions idea. It's made me this about the chemical elements of ice and fire. Ice is an absence of enegery, water (oxygen + hydrogen) made solid by the removal of heat. Fire is oxygen + fuel + the addition of energy/heat. When I think about energy being more than temperature; akin to spirit/soul/life then everything we are seeing playout in GOT really does live by these rules.

    You also mentioned something really interesting about the children of the forrest being the gods/singers of the earth. I think it's really interesting to look at earth being invaded by these new entities R'hlor/The Great Other and being overcome in the battle between the two. I've started thinking that the children were seduced by the great other into making the walkers? There are some really interesting videos out there by Order of the Green Hand about how the first men could be Valyrians – that would make for cleaner set up of earth (children), ice (walkers/Other) and fire (man/valyrians/rhlor)

  6. Why are there no ned stark prayer theory's? Ned spent a lot of time praying before the wierwood tree. Perhaps some messages were left, because john my know nothing, but I think Ned knew a lot more then he let on, past johns heritage

  7. I think the "Gods" of A Song of Ice and Fire are just people with more mystical connections. Bran, Brynden Rivers, the Children of the Forest, etc are the "Old Gods," while some other person might be "Rhllor" or some other God. The various gods and deities seem to serve various purposes over the course of time not because of an individual's whims and wants, but because they're literally different people with different motivations, families, and alliances.

  8. Great video. I was struck by this scene in the episode and its implications for Sandor in the future. You had replied to one of my previous posts asking if I thought R'hllor was real. I think it is, and needs to stay, unknowable. It really is an issue of the the believers and the faithful and their actions.

  9. Love your vids keep up great work. Just when you were explaining about weir wood.net, When Osha and Bran and co, were travelling north, Rickon or Bran were praying at the weir wood tree and she tells him "the old goods can't help him now lad, all the trees are gone" as they were all cut down that far south. So if greenseers ability is through all of nature, was that just OSHA's limited understanding of the old god's power.

  10. Thank you for your take on the Lord of Light. I personally believed that it was actually Bloodraven or Bran talking to people or transferring what they know into the past through the flames to warn them about the White Walkers, but your take makes even more sense. It's also important to note that the North is very Celtic in their beliefs, who believed every tree and every flower was a god. It makes sense that a god, an all-knowing being, being burned would release what they know to the seer.

  11. I like your concept of how the quote "The North Remembers" isn't what they think it is. But I have a different thought on that, based on what you were discussing about the earth, and the comments from the 3-eyed Raven.

    The north is one of the few places where you can still find Weirwood trees, as the Andels cut down most of them in the south. A few remain south, but very few. Also, greenseers tend to be northern. As greensight is rare, and most wouldn't have the ability someone like Bran does (being the new 3-eyed Raven), it wouldn't be too far fetched to believe that others who have it can't manage to tap into sight beyond the weirwood trees. The combination of the greenseers and trees being mostly concentrated in the north at a past time when there were even more seers & trees gave birth to the saying The North Remembers. Over the generations, as the powers have faded, the north has forgotten. Only now, with the return of Stark powers in sight and warging are they starting to remember again.


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