Let’s talk about the new season 7 promo released by HBO Spain! Super spoilers.



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  1. After finishing the video, I saw new images were released. Took down the video before publishing and re-recorded the ending to reflect that. I will try to get to those other images! Thanks!

  2. so I just thought of something. if Dani' s army takes Casterly Rock won't they find out the Lannister mines have run dry? once everyone learns that the Lannisters are broke people won't fear them anymore cuz they won't be able to afford an army.

  3. Perhaps, Sam finds a way to reverse the effects of the Dragon Glass that was inserted into the first man. Night's King reverts back to being human (a) the rest of his army dies …or (b) his army of death swallows and destroys the Night's King for holding them in thrall and the other "White Walkers" all turn to the men they would have been had they grown up human (Craster's Boys). Ned is still dead…..

  4. There is a Maester in the citadel (forgot his name if you know feel free to comment) that is a master at magic and is looked down upon by the other Maesters and perhaps Sam will work with him to try and find the secrets of the Walkers, Valyrian steel, Dragonglass, and Jon.

  5. Hello, I love your videos! I have a question: when the Mad King was in power was the kingdom wealthy? if so, do you think that the people of king's landing will be happy to see Dany because they are starving and Cersi isn't doing anything about it? And Robert ran the kingdom in to debt.  Do you think they will help Dany? Will they believe in her? Or will they think she's Mad like her father?

  6. Even though I am a fluent Spanish speaker I wouldn't have given 2 shits either way if I was those lucky fans to see that promo up close and personal. As we know the Lannister flag being hanged at said reach can easily be replaced but a Targaryen symbol. Dany may find many interesting things at Dragonstone perhaps even the remnants of some blue winter roses. (I know to much tinfoil). The Archmaester at the Citadel is interesting to say the least. I just hope the Faceless Men don't fuck it up. The Citadel is shadier than the Red Keep and that's saying alot. Cersei and Jamie may have sex again but I don't think any heirs will be a product of said couitius. The things he does for love isn't what he would have done in earlier seasons. He is seeing the reincarnation if Aerys and Jamie won't be with his psychotic twin long enough to die in the arms of the woman he loves. Said woman would be Brienne and I think he'll actually go out helping the Starks/Jon Snow(Targaryen). If Jamie stays by Cersei side I hope it's just long enough to choke the life out of her or have enough knowledge of her intentions to give it to the family she fucked up the most (The Starks). A Lannister always pays his debts and even though Sansa may be in Winterfell he knows that scumbag Littlefinger is there. Jaime did the right thing once before and earned the moniker Kingslayer. I'm hoping he remembers he is not a complete monster and leaves that Crazy twin of his. Wonder how Tormund will feel when he sees Brienne with Jamie? Things could get interesting….


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