2018 is here. With Game of Thrones taking a year off before its eighth and final season, it could be a cold and desolate year. But we can get things started right with some warm wishes from the cast members. Roll the tape:

We hope you enjoyed ringing in the new year. 2018, here we come.

In other cast member news, John Bradley (Sam Tarly) once again proved that he can go toe to toe with his Game of Thrones character when it comes to intelligence by going on Celebrity Mastermind, a British quiz show.

I think we can all agree that “Maestermind” would have been a great title change.

Anyway, not only did Bradley go on Celebrity Mastermind — he WON the whole thing. Watch his victory march below. He’s the first of four contestants to take the hot seat, starting around 1:20.

Bradley was playing for the The Christie Charitable Fund, and chose as his subject of interest Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, a comedy about English migrant construction workers. I had never heard of it before, but Bradley is clearly a super-fan.

Kudos, Sam Tarly John Bradley. Although apparently he’s planning on being insufferable for a while.

Circling back to Sophie Turner for a second, she made some waves on Twitter when she weighed in on a new controversy: popular YouTuber Logan Paul got a ton of heat after he posted a video showing a dead body — an apparent suicide — he found while exploring the Aokigahara forest in Japan. Accused of exploiting the body for clicks, Paul removed the video and apologized, but many weren’t satisfied, including Turner:

She then retweeted information about suicide awareness.

To end on a happier note, James Cosmo (Lord Commander Jeor Mormont) was honored by Queen Elizabeth II with an MBE (Most Excellent Order of the British Empire), a chivalric honor awarded to those who have contributed to the arts and sciences. Between his work on ThronesBraveheartHighlander, and more, we’d say Cosmo has earned it.

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h/t ScreenDaily



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