Night King Mastar Plan & Secret Explained – Game Of Thrones Season 8



  1. The better theory is that 3 Eyed Raven and NK are powerful Green Seers and can Warg anyone. NK is captured turned into a weapon by Children of the forest. The NK is almost immortal and lives for 1000's of years. The 3 Eyed Raven's body dies but his spirit is housed in the Weirwood net. He periodically possess someone to thwart his brother's activities. Most of those possessed are named Bran. Thus it is the 3 Eyed Raven is the person which inhabits all the Bran's of Lore. Now the cycle continues until now. Our Bran is the newest Bran the 3 Eyed Raven has possessed. Thus the ancient battle of Brother Vs. Brother is about to conclude. Probably with both brothers being destroyed by the other. This act frees both brothers so they can enter the Weirwood. net together. They would not need to bother the realms of men anymore.

  2. One problem with Bran and Leafs conversation about who they were trying to protect themselves from….it couldn't have been the "Others" or WW's, because they didn't exist til AFTER they created the NK!


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