New Theory on how to Defeat the Night King

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Almost in F – Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



  1. Definitely an interesting theory. I do think the part about Jaime being king based off that line is reading in to it a little much. I mean, there's a line in the first book (just after the one about Jaime, I think?) about Tyrion, "The light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard and for just that moment, Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.". That's always been one of my favorite lines, but I have doubts if it's foreshadowing. As much as I'd love to see my boy Tyrion as a king I can't help be feel it's just flowery, poetic wording that Martin is pretty fond of lol.

  2. Kingslayer = Jaime killed the Mad king to save a lot of people, he could probably slay the "Night" King to do the same, and many other theories have been connecting him to Azor Ahai, killing his lover(Cersei) in order to bring forth lightbringer etc etc.

  3. It would be cool to see a revised video post season 7. Now with Jamie heading to the wall, it seems a bit less likely to be him that kills Cersei I think. With Clegaine bowl on the cards I'm really interested on how that will pan out happening.. will She send the mountain to the wall to get Jamie back? Or will it be post 'Great War'?

  4. I agree, Tyrion would be a great king, but people will never accept him, he's a dwarf. He's intelligent, brave, has agood heart but he would not inspire loyalty like lets say Renly did.

  5. I just dont think Jaime will be able to kill Cersei. The events will mirror the mad king, but this time I dont think he'll be able to stop it. He'll sit on the Iron throne with Cersei and they'll burn together along with the city.

  6. I can't even focus on anything before you said Catelyn was a good person! She is the absolute worst person. She was a horrible mother, she was beyond terrible to Jon, she persuades Ned to go to KL, and she caused the entire war and Ned's death because instead of going home and calling the banner men this bitch kidnaps Tyrion fucking Lannister knowing it would put her family in KL in danger. After hearing Tyrions logical argument as to why he wasn't behind Bran's assassination attempt she's too stupid to admit she's wrong and let him go. As if that's all not bad enough she then frees Jaime Lannister causing Karstark to turn on Rob! She's jealous and vindictive and will do whatever she wants no matter the cost to others.

  7. in the show i think Jon is going to die a second time, and Thoros will die as well, leaving Beric to give the kiss of life to Jon. i think in the books, it would be Cat/stone heart, to pass the kiss on to Jon, redeeming her.

  8. At the end of the day Jaime could have been a better king than robert. With less focus on whoring & drinking and more on duty.

    Plus it would have been logical.
    For one the incest issue is irrelevant, when it comes to kings and queens, as the result of beating the faith of the seven into accepting that this law doesn't cover them. Plus at the end of the uprising, the Lannisters HAD kingslanding.
    Not to mention imagine Tywn – the guy who was pissed as his son becoming kingsguard, instead of taking on the family legacy – reacting to it.
    And it would have been feasible, Ned wanted nothing to do with it, not unlike Robert who in the end became the reluctant king.

    Am i the only one who thinks that at s07e04, Cersei refers to this, when she says, that noone can object to what they are doing since she is the queen?

  9. I will be SO pissed if the mad king was not driven mad by the three eyed raven talking through the time void. The mad king hearing warnings from the three eyed raven, trying to tell him to defeat the white walkers "BURN THEM ALL!"
    The king is driven mad by "hearing voices", constantly repeating the sentence BURN THEM ALL and taking it the wrong way.
    We sorta know you can intervene with the time already as the Hodor scene and Bran calling out for his father, stopping in his tracks and looking behind him.

  10. Love it! I believe A Song of Ice and Fire is the song that gets sung in the future about the great Jamie Lannister after he defeats the Night King. therefore killing a fire king and an ice king, Not sure if king slayer will live or die, but he is definitely  the prince who was promised.


    Jaimes arc ends with him riding solo on the kingsroad. Cersei is shown a white from a mission to the north with John, and his team. Cersei says she doesn't care if they come because she is losing and want them to wipe it all out. Jaime leaves. Also viseron is killed saving Jons team and becomes a zombie dragon. And littlefinger is killed by Arya on Sansas orders…

  12. Yes, his killing the Mad King did save people however you're forgetting that his family did it for the wrong reasons. Jamie might have wanted to take out the Mad King however he and his family waited to move against the crown until they knew for sure they would fall otherwise and so they wanted to be on the winning side. The Lannisters aligned themselves against the crown at the very last minute and that is why Ned and Robert resented the Lannisters and Jamie despite their involvement. They knew they're snakes, not lions – and had no honour.
    Not saying I don't like Jamie nor don't think his character is redeemable (and slowly on his way already), just wanted to point out the above.

    Also, Jon saw "kings" a lot. Each was thought provoking though.

  13. I think Bran , the mad king and the line, "burn them all", all have a huge hint built into them. If the ending of GOT is like what this video would have you believe (and I think it is close), then maybe Bran will be in kings Landing warged into the Mad King for some reason and made him want to burn the whole city down….while in the present the dead army is there and they will have to 'burn them all"… there must be some kind of connection…

  14. Two thoughts come to my mind when I watch this.
    1. The prophecy mentions "the valonquar" but it is never explicitly stated that it will be HER little brother. The way it is phrased, this could relate to anyone with older/bigger siblings including the Hound, Arya (if valonquar can also refer to women) or pretty much anyone you want.
    2. Jaime killig Cersei reminds me of the Azor Ahai legend in which the prince that was promised earns the weapon to defeat his enemy by killing the woman he loved.

  15. Thank you dude! I wonder why no one has ever mentioned this, at least I haven't come across this theory that I've been thinking about since the last episode of season 6. Cercei doesn't really have much options left, at least not against the dragons, except to use wildfire and most effective way is to threaten to burn the city down with it if anyone comes near it. Also, if she's laid the wildfire throughout the city, Dany can't attack with dragons without exploding the whole city. It's cruel and clever.

  16. This can legit be true. We do see King's Landing in snowfall which is not possible unless the Night King makes it to the capital. But no fortification can stop him. I doubt if blowing everything up will be an option. If it is, it will be Jaimie who would have to do it which is why Bran whispers into Aerys's ear to blow everything and everyone up. Just imagine the irony of it all that Jaimie will turn out to be the proverbial hero. This will indeed be one of the best endings.

  17. Whatever the 'Ending' may be…
    Tyrion in one of the last scenes of the book and/or the show he needs/deserves to be given a Dragon Egg on his name day.
    Like he wished for as a child…(I honestly think that was foreshadowing his future)
    THEN he could if not Rule the Realm at least be involved in Ruling the Realm.
    OR at least Tyrion would be the Lord Protector of the Realm and possibly the Regent of the Child King/Queen that would be born of two of the main characters.
    Meaning the Parents of this child would be dead by then….and the child would be the Hope & Future of the Realm.
    It would fall into the 'Bittersweet Ending' they keep saying will happen….

  18. What about Cersei and Jaime dying together? They both believe they will die together as they were born together. Even though Cersei is becoming bat-shit crazy, Jaime cannot simply dismiss everything he felt for his one and only and move on to fighting for the Living.


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