The Night King is a recurring character in the fourth, fifth and sixth seasons.
So: Night’s King and his horrible mystery. Game of thrones, season 7 theories.
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  1. The Night's Watch was created AFTER the creation of the White Walkers, for the sole purpose of protecting the realm from them! Thus the Night's King cannot be a member of the Night's Watch….

  2. I believe he is Brandon the bloody sword and was a very powerful green-seer as he shares the bloodline with the Starks.
    What he is doing is "warging" into all the dead corpses not reanimating them, I also believe all the other white walkers also have stark blood and were wargs before they were turned. This allows them to warg into the wights.

  3. I have a theory that the Night King in the TV adaptation was originally a powerful warrior of the First Men named Brandon of the Bloody Blade, a forebear of the eponymous Bran the Builder who founder the Stark line and created Winterfell and the Wall. Brandon of the Bloody Blade led a genocidal campaign against both the Children of the Forest and the giants. He is credited with purging them from the Reach. Having suffered the loss of thousands to this man, the Children could have captured him, so as to turn this most formidable warlord of the First Men against his own kind.

  4. Good theory, however I don't like the audio. It's as if you are using a robot to read the written words – it doesn't work. There's no expression or feeling in what is being said – it's rather monotone. I'd rather have a live human read the words, and put expression into them.

  5. it´s not so far from possibility that Bran could become a WW I think. He was touched by the NK and he gets his mark…and not just a mark…this mark is like a gps tracker to be used by the NK and enters Brans magical power … so that the WW can attack the cave. And we know Craster´s babies were transformed by ….touch of the NK.
    The connection between the 13. th Lord Commander and the NK …maybe true??? There were other out there with the same theory.
    The connetion to Jon would make sense if Bran becomes a WW…. if diplomecy will be the way to end the war.
    Jon kills NK with Lightbringer and Bran takes his place….why not???
    … the wall comes down…. everyone think by the mark of Bran …. at the cave… Bran was INSIDE , what means near by….. and this is logical to me… but removing the magic from the wall just by crossing it??? …No…I dont think so. it won´t be quite simple than that.
    I guess it will be dragonfire tearing it down.
    Benjen said Bran will return behind the wall and will be ready when the NK appears.
    If the magic will leave the wall by crossing… the NK would be crazy if he won´t attack imidiatly … before Bran gets more powerful. And we know Bran is gps connected to him.
    How will Bran have the time "to be ready" for the NK… in this fact???
    Dragonfire would make much more sense to me 😉

  6. The nights king is none other than (drum roll):SUPREME LEADER SNOKE!!! kylo ren is(drum roll):AZOR AHAI!!! well there I have single handedly solved these two great mysteries sorry if I spoiled it for anyone… VALAR THE FORCE BE MORGHULIS!.!.!.


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