The story of Game of Thrones becomes even more intriguing as fans come to know of more secrets about the show. Entertainment Weekly editor James Hibberd’s book Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon dives deep into such behind-the-screen mysteries previously unknown to the audience. The book contains detailed interviews with the cast and crew of the show. There have been many interesting revelations, including the unaired pilot of the series. The book describes another secret, the skilfulness of actress Emilia Clarke.

Director Jeremy Podeswa recounted one of Daenerys’ scenes in Hibberd’s book. The scene where Daenerys ordered the execution of one of three Meereenese noblemen was originally shot in English.

“Then [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] came down – they were watching the scene being shot – and they said, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if the scene was in Valyrian?’” Podeswa recalled.

Emilia Clarke improvised an entire speech on Game of Thrones in just 10 minutes!

“There’s usually a lot of preparation for that sort of thing and so much consideration that goes into it. She had quite a big monologue before she sets the guy on fire,” Podeswa continued. “I went over to Emilia and I was like, ‘I know this is a really big ask, but do you think you could figure out a way to do this in Valyrian?’ She said, ‘Yeah, sure, I think I can do this.’ And I’m all, “Really?” She went off and cobbled together things that [Daenerys] had said in the past that made sense. She came back in 10 minutes and had this whole monologue down.”

“I just had to hand it to Emilia for taking on the challenge and making it completely credible,” Podeswa added. “It wasn’t tracking perfectly in Valyrian, but no fan ever noticed it. She did an amazing job.”

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