Game of Thrones has ended, and it’s time for the prequels to shine. As we had reported, a prequel to the show, set roughly 5000 years prior, has entered the pilot production stage. Titled Bloodmoon for now, the only things we knew about the show were leaked bits and pieces, until now. George R. R. Martin, the author on whose books these shows are based, recently revealed five new facts about this prequel, to Entertainment Weekly. Let’s get into it!

First off, GRRM revealed that the time in which this prequel is set, there aren’t seven kingdoms, but roughly a hundred kingdoms! He said:

“We talk about the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros; there were Seven Kingdoms at the time of Aegon’s Conquest. But if you go back further then there are nine kingdoms, and 12 kingdoms, and eventually you get back to where there are a hundred kingdoms — petty kingdoms — and that’s the era we’re talking about here.”

Secondly, he revealed that everybody’s favourite house, the Starks, will be present in this prequel, as well as their signature pets, the direwolves, among other mythical beasts. Martin explained:

“The Starks will definitely be there. Obviously the White Walkers are here — or as they’re called in my books, The Others — and that will be an aspect of it. There are things like direwolves and mammoths.”

George R. R. Martin discusses five new facts about the Game of Thrones prequel

While the Starks will be there, Martin also confirmed that the other big house, the Lannisters, do not exist at the beginning of this series. We will still see their home, Casterly Rock, but it will be held by the Casterlys.

George also said that this show will be an ensemble story, instead of having a “lead”, just like Game of Thrones:

“I hesitate to use the word ‘lead.’ As you know for Game of Thrones, we never even nominated anybody for lead actress or lead actor [during awards season] until recently; it was always for supporting [categories] because the show is such an ensemble. I think that will be true for this show too. We don’t have leads so much as a large ensemble cast.”

Last of all, Martin put a shadow of doubt over the name we have all been using for the show. Apparently, the working title, Bloodmoon, might not be the final name, as Martin revealed that officially, the show is still untitled. He also said that “The Longest Night” is a name he wouldn’t mind.

Well, that’s all for now. What do you guys think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!



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