Well, that didn’t take long. Just two days ago, an interview with Game of Thrones’ Visual Effects Supervisor, Joe Bauer, sparked a great deal of hubbub among impatient fans who feared that the long wait for the show’s final season would be even longer than expected. At the time, I cautioned against jumping to conclusions. After all, “Words are wind.” And now, we have more words to regard, and they’re more reassuring. According to those in the know, you can still expect Game of Thrones Season Eight sooner rather than later.

After a few heated days of speculation and sorrow on the part of Thrones fans, Entertainment Weekly, who has friends in high places when it comes to HBO, recently joined the fray and cleared up any rumors that had begun to spread about GOT’s premiere date, thanks to The Huffington Post‘s interpretation of Bauer’s prose.

Entertainment Weekly’s James Hibberd writes:

GoT returns for its final six episodes that will air during the first half of 2019. There have been reports over the weekend claiming the show’s return has been “delayed” to mid-2019 making it not eligible for Emmys until 2020. Rest assured, “first half of 2019” means exactly that, and HBO expects the show will air all its episodes in time for the 2019 Emmy eligibility cut off.

Great. Now everyone can relax a bit and go back to indulging in the usual stresses of being a Game of Thrones fan. Will the White Walkers ravage the world of Westeros with their icy apocalypse? Will Jon Snow ever discover his true heritage? Will Ser Jorah Mormont ever find love? For answers to all these burning questions, we’ll just have to wait a bit longer.

Hopefully we can look forward to an actual premiere date soon. HBO is markedly beginning to ramp up their marketing for Game of Thrones. In fact, audiences got their first glimpse of Season Eight this weekend, courtesy of HBO’s latest “Coming Soon,” clip, which is comprised of a short shot of Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) sharing a warm hug. It’s not exactly a ground-breaking bit of footage, but for those who love the Stark siblings (and please, let’s not argue genetic semantics), it’s guaranteed to make your Monday a little brighter.

Keep checking in with us, as we keep you informed about the latest Game of Thrones news.



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