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  1. naked chicks – the only REAL reason tradcon religious simps like Todd Friel oppose shows like Game of Thrones. He and his church of old overweight bitties are so afraid that somewhere somebody is actually enjoying themselves.

  2. You have to admit it's kind of darkly genius how all these religions ended up branding the human sex drive as evil pulling your strings.

    As intelligent creatures, it is strange to still be influenced by natural, primal urges. The perfect thing to brand as Satan or demons ect.

    So much poppycock. Sex is something to be treated responsibly. No more worry need be applied to it than that.

  3. "Oh Yawn."

    Every time I hear a theist speak about his god nonsense. I yawn. I'm so sick of it.

    Theists have no authority. Their word of their incoherent god has no authority. They do need to shut up and they need to keep their irrelevant opinions to themselves.

  4. I've never understood the appeal of the whole fantasy genre either, but this doesn't mean I think someone else shouldn't be allowed to pay their cable provider or Netflix or whoever some money in order to watch what they want. This is what I fundamentally don't get: what's it to them? -I don't stop my friends from going to see the Hunger Games films and they don't force me to. Pretty laid back arrangement as far as I'm concerned.

  5. An advise to the "Holier than thou" guy: DO NOT LET YOUR KID READ the Bible!!
    (It has quite a lot passages of sex, crime, genocide, slaughters, misogyny, slavery, among other things).
    Imagine if your kid saying:
    "Hey dad, if you do not like to masturbate with the divine murdering attempt on Moses, and Zipporah taking a flint knife and circumcising their son, to touch Moses genitals with that skin…, do not do it!"
    I am guessing it would not stand.

  6. Is sex bad….as Bill Hick said:"Did I miss a meeting?"….I saw the sex scene and nudity in the film The Reader and that was as far from pornography as it is possible to get whist still being a 'strong' sex scene,,,,but you know all this…..just wanted to support

  7. i know why he doesn't want people to watch it.
    Fun is evil.

    That's how the church keeps you under control: Make you feel evil for doing things that are harmless and normal, that way, everyone comes to confession.

  8. Wait, why do I have the feeling that I've heard these five objections before, but in a different context? Right, because I had. These five objections so casually dismissed by Mr. Showman here, were once profound and undeniable (at least from the christian perspective) points apologists try to send to atheists.
    1 "you are criticizing christianity/the bible? Pff, you have to be a devoted christian and read the bible (the correct way) to be allowed to criticize it!"
    2 "Don't believe in god? Then stop talking about him (and christianity)"
    3 "So what? Atheists have done bad things, too!" (or any other "tu quoque" here)
    4 "I don't see the problem of evil, god allows bad things because he loves us!"
    5 "I'm feeling fine with christianity, stop complaining!"

    Maybe the unseen objector here was being sarcastic by using common apologetic tactics against Mr.Showman?

  9. The only reason the daughters got him drunk and fucked him is because the wouldn't be able to marry; after Lot told the mob to rape them. And being so drunk he fucked them sounds suspicious. He knew what he was doing. Yahweh's man was despicable; just like him.

  10. Is it a sin to become aroused at the idea of putting a part of Jesus' body in your mouth during communion? I'll never forget the time my pastor told me, "Stop sucking on the body of Christ and just swallow!".

  11. When I was little, I've started watching Dexter (not the cartoon, the TV series about the serial killer). My mother told me that I shouldn't watch it and I've answered exactly: "If you don't like it, YOU shouldn't watch it."
    And she wasn't obviously angry, no parent with a small sense of logic would. She calmly explained why she didn't like it and she didn't like me watching it. No big deal.
    Probably this man thinks that his audience is too stupid to make ponderated decisions about what to do or not and they need his advice: it's the core of religion after all.

  12. Of course the bible's not foul and pornographic. It doesn't contain an individual pining for penises as grand as a horse's, nor does it compile that with a yearning for the seminal emission to be akin to a donkey's. Nope, not at all in the bible and not at all in Ezekiel. Chapter 23. Verse 20. No sir, not in the good book.

  13. Why does this idiot keep saying the game of thrones? It's just Game of Thrones…

    Uhg, I know it's tiny but stuff like that bugs me to no end, and I don't even care about the show or the books. Even I fucking know it's just "Game of Thrones".

    I know it's unimportant but we all have those little things that get to us that don't mean shit, right?

  14. TekonTV might be…himself, but I think Todd Friel gets on my nerves more than any other evangelical. I think it's his smarmy, used-car-salesmen personality combined with the worst case of holier-than-thou I've ever seen.

  15. Sin is something that you are infested with so that you need to be saved by Jeebus. I don't believe in Jeebus therefore sin is moot. There should be much more cutting off of hands and plucking of eyes if christians want to obey the commands of their dying-god man.

  16. My channel is coming soon and I just told logicked I invite all atheist youtubers to take me on with the CTMU cause its coming. It will be all over soon its all over. But the climax will be great as once I have absorbed everything you guys got then answer it all away like blowing out of a candel.

  17. "the gross-out passages about seed spilling"
    lol! definitely more graphic a term than skeet. like with puritanical mom's who refer to the expletive "shit" as "the brown word." eww!


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