It’s that time again, where we update you on all the news and happenings around the world of Game of Thrones and beyond. A lot has been going on, from HBO’s marketing prep for season 8, to Kit Harington (Jon Snow) doing something we knew he’d have to finally do one day. So, with that in mind, it is with a heavy heart that we begin.

Did you watch The Last Kingdom season 3 on Netflix? We did, and we loved it! Here’s our episodic review:

What do you think the six episodes of the final season will be titled? Join us in a speculation romp through season 8.

Kit Harington finally went and did it: he cut his Game of Thrones contractually obligated long and luxurious hair. Gather round, as we mourn this devastating loss.

HBO kicks off its season 8 marketing push with a look back Tyrion Lannister’s journey through Game of Thrones. There’s one for Arya Stark now, too!

A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin is reportedly locked away in his remote mountain cabin, finishing the long-awaited sixth book in the series, The Winds of Winter.

Martin also talked about the differences in writing The Winds of Winter and his fake history of House Targaryen, Fire & Blood, which dropped this week!

Martin teased some things from Fire & Blood, like how powerfully destructive dragons really are.

This rap recap of Game of Thrones is absolutely delightful and you should stop what you’re doing right now and listen.

Avengers: Infinity War is coming to Netflix for Christmas, but you better watch it while you can, it could be gone in a snap!

Julie Andrews is going to play a giant sea creature in Aquaman.

See ya next week, kiddos!

Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

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