I think we’re done with Game of Thrones now.

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  1. "Everyone is the hero of their own story" – George RR Martin. The thing that makes GoT stick out above all the rest is that you don't get to win just because you're honorable or have good intentions. Victory isn't assured because your cause is just. Oberyn didn't get cocky at the end, he was cocky all along. He had no doubt at all that he would win and his hubris cost him is life. There are people who say this is the last good season of GoT but the ratings say otherwise. See for yourself. Others are entitled to their opinions but you should form your own.

  2. I concur with what a lot of commenters are saying: wait for the end of the season to judge. They are very good at building story arcs. This death will lead to more, it is not unnecessary. Episodes 9 and 10 of season 4 are among the best of the show, for me in fact episode 10 may be my best. You would wish that Game of Thrones would just stop at this point because everything looks optimistic, yes optimistic! Keep faith! Season 5 will crush you as well, season 6 is the most traumatic for one of the deaths, but as well the end of season 6 and season 7 are exhilarating! Payoff is coming!!!

  3. Did you notice the squire running a piece of cloth over Oberyn’s spear as Pycelle was speaking? He was coating it with a slow acting poison; very excruciating as I found out in the book. Too bad posthumous vengeance does not help Tyrion

  4. His death was necessary for the upcoming seasons, you'll understand why if (hopefully) you keep watching.


  5. To be honest, Season 5 is probably the bleakest and darkest season. But Season 6 and 7 is pretty much the complete opposite. A lot of people actually quit watching after a certain season 5 episode. In my opinion, you've now seen three of the four real heartbreaking death episodes. (Ned, Red Wedding, Oberyn). I think you should continue to watch, because things do turn course at some point away from the darkness. Plus, you're both really fun to watch, and I would hate to see the reactions end.

  6. Guys, just keep watching. Watch it because there is a point to this story being told. You're upset now, but wait til you get caught up with the rest of us. It's worth it. Trust me. Til the next one, PEACE! – Yvette

  7. From memory, the next two episodes are good.  I would urge you to give the show a chance.  I knew that Oberyn died because I'd listened to the audio book but it was still shocking.  The books that the show is based on aren't finished yet but the show runners have consulted with George RR Martin the book author and he has told them where it ends and that the ending will be bittersweet.  The next seasons were okay to me though the show runners have changed some things (for some book readers there were too many changes and it is perfectly valid for them to feel that way).  It was always going to be a poisoned chalice to adapt unfinished books.  I would say watch till the end of season 4 and give season 5 a chance but discontinue if it is not to your liking.

  8. Everyone loved Oberyn, yeah, but the reality is that he's a minor character. In fact he was even a much larger character on the show than he was in the books. You're already aware that Tyrion doesn't die because of this, but still Oberyn's death sets some very important aspects of the plot in motion, so it wasn't at all a pointless death or something the writers did just for shock value. Tyrion is in a particular position now, sentenced to death, because Oberyn died. As you watch the next couple of episodes, you will see the important consequences of him dealing with being in that position.

    Yes characters die but I wouldn't worry about all your favorite characters dying. In fact one of the major complaints I heard from people watching season 7 was that "not enough major characters die anymore and it feels like they have 'plot armor'".

    I hope you stick with it, I enjoy your reactions!

  9. Game of Thrones is very tough to watch, and there will be more tough episodes to watch. However, there will be lots of very happy episodes as well. All these misfortunes drive the plot in some unexpected directions. But I understand your frustration, and you should make your own decision about whether you want to continue watching or not.

  10. Trust in the story. You'll be glad you did. The fact that we care so much about these characters, speaks to the brilliant writing. It's like life. There is sadness but life also gives us happiness. I kept watching after this because I looked at the story as a whole and was fascinated by all the moving parts. It's like a math problem. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts and the journey as it reveals itself…well…it's just sheer epicness. Far from being predictable.

  11. "Kunk, kunk, kunk! Crush 'em, crush da beetles…" if you were expecting a happy ending then you haven't been paying attention.
    However, there are some pay off moments coming, but you will be sad and angry before then.

  12. that scene with Lords of the Vale is critical character development, it's Sansa really beginning the show signs of playing the game her way and using the lessons of people like Shae and Littlefinger and even Cersei, she has a qoute in the books that covers that "My skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel" as she goes from being the pretty maiden to a strong contender

  13. Hello I just want to say thta you should watch Blackpink's song in this order : Bommbayah, Whistle, Playing with Fire, Stay and then As If Its Your Last (I know you already seen Boombayah and Whistle) If you want the reason it is because it's like a love cycle.

    First they are just young girl who dance, have fun, go to party etc then in Whistle they just met a boy and don't want to loose him, in Pwf they are not sure of what they do, they think thot love is dangerous, that they should listen to their mother etc… In stay they are like "depressed" they feel sad and they remembers their old memories and for the end AIIYL is like a big party were they are having fun like if it was their last day on earth

  14. Oberyn's death wasn't simply meant to be a shock value guys. it paves the way for the story to go further. as for now you guys have been introduced to most of the Great Houses of Westeros, but not one! you knew that Oberyn was a prince of a Great House, HOUSE MARTELL of Dorne. his death will bring a chain of events & reactions across Dorne and the 7 Kingdoms as a whole (at least in the book it was great). SO STAY WATCHING

  15. You're not initiated until you see the Red Wedding (say goodbye to your summer child, cuz now you know winter is coming) and swear the "FUCK THIS SHOW! I'M NEVER WATCHING IT AGAIN" oath. You are definitely one of the hardcore fans now. There is no quitting or turning back now. You are in it for the long haul because it will haunt you with obsession to know what happens next, and can there be hope at the end of the gory medieval life these characters live in? Please hold tight, my friends. There are still more good, bad and ugly to witness. This show is the ultimate roller coaster ride for your emotions. Please keep riding. We are with you, and we are family now.

  16. I can tell you, without spoiling anything….it gets better. It won't be just a constant stream of characters you like losing, suffering and dying. If they did that, there would be no one left but the despicable and they're not dumb enough to think THAT would be interesting. Season 4 still has some great moments in store for you. And overall there are some amazing things to come, which include actual happy moments, victories for the side you're be rooting for, reunions etc. And some big reveals wich will leave you in shock…..but the good kind.. Though I will warn you that season 5 is a bit of a downer. But don't fall for the hopeless feeling it may give you. Seasons 6 and 7 will lift you right up afterwards. Trust me

  17. Oberyn was my favorite character in GoT. I would have loved to have seen him and Khalheesi (my 2nd favorite) get together but I know it wouldn't have made sense other than in fanfiction.

  18. the story was intended to be an anti-war statement. it takes real historical events and dramatizes them to fit inside the world that grrm created. i would say keep watching. grrm was also disenchanted with what was going on in film and tv at the time and that is why he wrote it with all the social taboos that it has. he thought it was too controversial to ever be put on tv or film with gay/bi relationships, underage sex ( at the start of the story jon is 13-14. misandie 10. dany 14, death, shots at religion, child rape, murder, maiming and so on).

    i too am not as emotionally invested, not b/c of deaths of my favs, but b/c of dan and dave, the show directors and eps, lack of cohesion, inept attitude, and taking masterfully written characters and devolving them to the point that their actions and story make little sense. after the show is wrapped i will start the books, b/c what i know of the books from excerpts it is far superior to what d and d have reduced the show to. still there is still some really good parts and curiosities worth sticking it out. this ain't ya grandma's fairytale. it's more like reality more than anything.

    if u want to gain better understanding w/o reading the books i would suggest that u check out ytbrs; order of the greenhand, the dragon demands (he writes for the game of throne wiki and has to reach out to other professionals so he is really indepth), smokescreen (more entertainment about the show), new rockstars for episode breakdown including info from film makers perspective with got clips), ozzyman reviews is a fun sports anouncer rundown of the major events of the episode (the first 3-4 mins if the vid), and if u ever forget characters u can check out got rewind( kevin strings together all scenes where that the character played in, usually up until their death, unless they are a major/still living).

    at this point am i routing for greyworm and misandei b/c they have had f'd up lives and the only joy they have is the love the share that is pureand unpolitical/out of duty, jon, tyrian, little bear, bock. the dire wolves, dragons, breeann, and tourmond.

  19. It's funny how many stop right here. It's second only to the red wedding. I think that the Tyrion and Oberyn love is just too much to lose in a second. Especially when you thought it would turn out all right. Fortunately it is the bottom. I won't say nothing bad happens, it does, but this is the bottom. Watch to the end of the season. Then decide. The next two are amazing.

    Oh and last time I commented on the feeling of hope that the writers instill in you. Well martin and the writers know what they're doing. They see where your hope lies and take it away. But they also know when you despair and lift you back up…. The tide has already turned. But the night is darkest before the dawn.

  20. Hi, I'm sorry that they're angry and I understand them because Oberyn was a great character, but I hope they keep watching the series, the truth series is not predictable, when you think it is, the series surprises you, it's a true story for that you can not predict, when you think that you already believe that all the good characters die, something happens that turns the destiny of them, these without saying spoilers, you really have to see the end of the season and follow the series, believe me not everything what it looks like in game of thrones is really what it looks like.

  21. Game of Thrones imitates real life in many ways, one of which being that bad things happen to everybody, good and bad. Another is that actions have consequences. Oberyn was too mouthy. If he had just killed the Mountain quickly instead of playing around and demanding a confession, he would have lived. I loved Oberyn, but it's his own fault.

    I know Game of Thrones is not always an easy show to watch and I don't like seeing bad things happen to the characters we all love, but I think the fact that no one on the show is safe makes it special and thrilling. It's just like Arya said in season 2 to Tywin: Anyone can be killed.

    Keep on with the show! There's more upsetting moments, but I promise there's more happy moments as well!

  22. Many people like to quote Ramsay when he says "if you think this has a good ending you haven't been paying attention" BUT George Martin said the ending will be bittersweet, with good stuff, but not all rainbows.

    I read this part, the trail by combat, before watching it. All seasons 3 and 4 are adapted from Book 3. It's the most intense book of the series. This part with Oberyn didn't bother me because for example just a few chapters after the Red Wedding Joffrey dies (while viewers had to wait a year between season 3 and 4). So it was clear to me that the story does give you some wins. Definitely keep watching! 🙂
    Although be warned that season 5 is the darkest season. And yes some more fucked up things will happen. But there are some big wins too especially around season 6. Season 6 is often a fan favourite along with season 4.

    I do agree with you though that after a while you just expect the show to suddenly kill important characters. There are 2 major things that happened in season 6 and 7 and each time I thought "of course this would happen". There is still a lot of unexpected moments though. And a recurring complaint concerning season 7 is that not enough characters die LOL so I guess you'll love that season ^_^ Personally I have a few issues with that season but the "lack of death" is definitely NOT one of them xD

    P.S: I love that thing in Hanco's hair 😀


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