The Game of Thrones franchise has consistently excelled in its casting choices. Even George R. R. Martin, the creator of the GOT universe, is impressed by them. House of the Dragon has managed to repeat the feat, with Olivia Cooke‘s Alicent and Emma D’Arcy‘s Rhaenyra becoming the favorite Queens of 2024. And the two actors have managed to secure a place in Variety’s list of most influential women in Hollywood.
Olivia Cooke and Emma D’Arcy secure a place in Variety’s Women’s Impact Report
Every year, Variety compiles a list of the most influential women in Hollywood who have contributed either in front of the camera or behind it. House of the Dragon stars Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke have managed to secure a spot on the list, along with industry veterans such as Emma Stone, Pamela Abdy, Jen Salke, Courtenay Valenti, Nicola Coughlan, Sue Kroll and more.
Credits: HBO
Female characters shouldn’t be described as “strong”
House of the Dragon has been praised for its strong female characters; however, Cooke doesn’t think that is a good way to describe them. She told Variety:
“Stop using the word ‘strong’ to describe female characters. It’s so reductive and patronizing. A breakthrough for female character development would be for the industry to accept that people come with baggage and flaws, are imperfect and ugly and exciting and soft, and all the things in between. That we’re not preternaturally youthful and that sex and sexuality get better with age and wisdom. I would love to see more of an embracing and reflection of that.”
D’Arcy, on the other hand, wanted more diverse representation in Hollywood, saying they’re “desperate to see more women, more transgender, nonconforming people writing and directing the work, because I think that’s how we end up with new and better stories.”
Read Next: Milly Alcock was cast as young Rhaenyra based on Emma D’Arcy’s teenage photos
The Making of HBO’s House of the Dragon Warner Bros. Shop
Discover the filmmaking secrets behind HBO’s House of the Dragon! With fire and blood, House Targaryen ruled Westeros for over 200 years?a legendary reign depicted in HBO’s House of the Dragon. Now, fans can embark on an epic behind the scenes journey, with this deluxe coffee table book chronicling the production of the landmark television series. An official collection of concept art, interviews with cast and crew, and stunning unit photography, The Making of HBO’s House of the Dragon will be the ultimate account of this hugely anticipated television event.
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