Game of Thrones achieved massive popularity for basing its characters close to reality. They walk a grey path, which makes them all the more likeable. And it seems like Marvel is incorporating these values in their upcoming movies, such as the Eternals. Game of Thrones alum Richard Madden (Robb Stark) will be playing the role of Ikaris in the film. And he gave some clues about the morally ambiguous characters in the movie, even comparing them to the dark superheroes of Amazon’s The Boys.

In an interview with GQ, actor Richard Madden discussed his role as Ikaris in Eternals. Despite filming for Eternals having wrapped in January 2021, Madden mentioned ongoing reshoots and additional dialogue sessions as being ongoing, which led to some concerns from the actor, such as, “Do I still fit into that skintight superhero outfit after lockdown?”

Game of Thrones’ Richard Madden compares Marvel’s Eternals with The Boys

Madden explained and showed that he would squint intensely on set with his “laser eyes,” a power he’ll have in the film: “Or lots of laser eyes, like that… [squints dramatically] …because I’ve got laser eyes.”

The actor insists in the interview that, because the characters are ancient and ageless beings who have experienced everything, it helps elevate the film “above just another superhero movie.”

The actor pointed to The Boys, a series that shows enhanced and immortal superheroes as flawed, narcissistic people hiding behind a public persona. Madden hopes that Eternals will accomplish something as interesting as that Amazon Prime series.

“We’ve done that classic thing…so it’s now about how do we make it more interesting? I’m hoping we have done that with Eternals. The Marvel Universe keeps changing and elevating and growing, and I really think we’re doing something that they’ve not done yet.”

Are you excited about Marvel’s Eternals? Tell us in the comments below!



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