Is it possible to have less on-screen chemistry than Jon and Dany? The scene between Billy and Karen is self-aware and is done for laughs, however it ends up having more on-screen chemistry than all of the Jon and Dany scenes put together.



  1. You should have intercut the scene of the guy talking to the mom with the scene of him lying there and then you should have had the other scenses and the scene of them passionately kissing at the door and intercut that with the similar scene from GoT

  2. Bringing Ygritte back from the dead would be more believable than these two falling in love with each other. My God, who came up with this? this is some fan fiction lvl bs.

  3. I agree, it felt so rushed. I had no idea why they fell in love. Yeah he decided she would be a good queen and she saw that he wasn't just a lackey and they both don't look too bad, but is that all that's needed for them both to fall in love with eachother?
    Or is it the old (unknown) family ties that got the juices flowing?


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