Episode 30 UNCUT:



  1. Kimblee is a sociopath, but he remembers every person he killed and makes no excuses for it.
    He loves killing and destruction, yet he respects every person he kills since the other side wont ever forget what he did and he is ready to kill anyone coming for him. He is such a good villain.

  2. One of the things that's most interesting about Bradley and Kimblee is that even though they are villains, they will tell you things that you might not want to hear, but also have truth to it as well. For example, Bradley's speech on religion, harsh as it may be, has married. Nothing ever gets done by sitting around and waiting for God to solve your problems for you. The only way to make change happen is to make it happen.

  3. Kimblee is the most honest villain in the entire series. He's completely open about his motivations and recognizes that his beliefs conflict with most people's. He also truly enjoys his work, which makes him all the more formidable and terrifying.

  4. Cut content from the manga: (I've included someone else's comment and their username becuase the info they gave was good and I didn't want to rewrite the whole thing).
    "> Riza's relationship with her father was shaky fairly early on. Berthold's studies and paranoia made him a difficult person to deal with, tattooing his research on her back was more or less the point of no return. She was of course devastated with his death, but it was hardly a healthy relationship, she was on better terms with her maternal Grandfather, General Grumman – the guy who mentored Mustang in the military and played chess with him.
    > The events of Brigadier General Fessler: Fessler was the guy who dismissed Armstrong, he was a hated General, only obsessed with rising in the ranks and clearing regions before his other officers than the safety of his men, leading him to some questionably hasty decisions. No matter the loss, Fessler would call every success a 'home run', Basque Grand (the cannon guy/Iron Blood Alchemist) escorted the Ishvalan leader to him in hopes of an audience with the Fuhrer, Fessler refused stubbornly and got shot in the chest by Grand. Though point-blank and in the vicinity of several witnesses, no man was loyal to Fessler and agreed that a stray bullet killed Fessler, Grand then took over his duties as Commander.
    > When Hawkeye reunites with Mustang in the Manga, she saves him by sniping an Ishvalan Rogue, rather than just walking to him
    > Ishval are a small settlement, but they held on due to being supplied munitions by Aerugo, the country south of Amestris" -dannybob42

    Ishvalans weren't allowed to escape to other countries as war refuges. Kimblee was ordered to kill the Rockbells but finding them dead when he arrived. He respect them sticking to their ideals however. Ishvalans were turned away by other countries. Marcoh and Nox have a scene with them talkin bout the Rockbells and Nox lamenting " If we are doctors why are we killing people?"

    Knox had PTSD from the war. He had to dissect the remains left by the burnt corpses that Mustang left behind, probably to see how strong flame alchemy could be. After returning home, he had reacurring nightmares and once when his wife attempted to wake him up at night he attacked her thinking She was an enemy. Afterwards, they seperated.

  5. Rough episode uh? x'/
    About Kimblee..yes, he is a psychopath, but his logic is kinda..true.."don't forget people you killed, because they won't forget you.."..probably his best line..but still an asshole!
    In the manga, there's a heartbreaking scene, where you see Armstrong try to save Ishvalans..and Kimblee kill them, in front of him..x(

  6. Survivor Series was sick! I don't blame you for losing your voice a little lol but welcome back bro!

    Lots of really good backstory in this episode. Kimbley is a savage and doesn't care, that man is sick. But for some reason I like him too. Lol looks like Al found himself a girl without even knowing it.

    Man with each episode it just gets better and more intense! Even rewatching it again there are some things I forgot. Like master hawkeye and Riza's tattoo on her back of alchemy.

    Another fun episode! So glad your back on the grind again!

    Also can't wait to see your reaction to Super 116! Oh man that was just fucking crazy!


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