Here’s me commentary on some enjoyable robbery fails.

Source videos:

Smashing glass with jewelry inside

Convenience store guy foils robbery in Calgary

Sikh store guy fights robber and wins

Bag snatcher smashes into glass door gets knocked out

McDonalds drive through robbery fail

Shop owner sprays robbers with bear spray

Thief steals a purse and immediately crashes his moped

Intended as a work of Fair Dealing – parody, satire, commentary, review.

Music via Audio Network



  1. Hey Ozzy, big fucking fan of your shit reviews. Just kidding, they're not shit, and I'm not a huge fan, I'm just a really skinny one. So anyways, I'm from Costa Rica, and we recently got a peculiar jewelery store robbery that happened in a mall. It got quite viral in here. You can see the video of it in this link (with timestamp of where it starts and stuff, and it's the most HD I could find without shitty watermarks). Hope you enjoy it and if you decide to put it in one of your reviews or your mega compilations, then that would be sweeeet. As far as copyright and that, the video I gave you doesn't even have any watermark like others did, and it's an indirect recording so I guess you shouldn't worry about take downs…and also because in my country they usually don't give too much fucks about that anyways, they're busy chasing mexican jewelry robbers. Anyways, have a good one. Pura vida!

  2. What kinda of fucking moron would have run in to that glass? Understandable if it had just been a clear path, but there was a fucking pot plant in front of it. What, did he think the mall was just trying to troll it's own customers by blocking the actual door?


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