Here’s me commentary on WTF Happened in November, 2017. Source videos are below. Cheers ya legends! Gimme a follow on Instagram btw:

Here are all the source links:

Black Friday madness

Atlas from Boston Dynamics can now do a backflip

Dog caught on trampoline 

Stray dog saves woman from robber

Guy who made an ad to sell girlfriends car, sells it for $20k

Deadpool 2 teaser

Fast KO

Moose on the Loose

EA Battlefront 2 controversy

Dozing deer

Coffee fail

Girl unleashes a huge fart (ViralHog)

Music via Audio Network.



  1. gday mate just wanted to say im australian and when do you think they will make a game about you i swear if it dosent happen ill be fucked cause they made a voice pack for cod so why not a full game?


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