Pedro Pascal (Oberyn Martell) was only on Game of Thrones for a season, but it was quite a season — there’s no forgetting the time the Mountain crushed Oberyn’s head like a grape. Pascal has taken the notoriety that came with the role and ran with it, nabbing a lead role Narcos, Netflix’s highly acclaimed crime seriesNow, according to USA Today, Pascal has landed a part in the sequel to 2017’s smash hit Wonder Woman, starring Gal Gadot.

Wonder Woman was the third highest grossing film of 2017, trailing only Beauty and the Beast and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, so it’s a good train to jump on. Hopefully Pascal is in the movie for longer than fellow Thrones alum Michael McElhatton’s (Roose Bolton) was in Justice League.

Wonder Woman 2 lands in theaters in November, 2019.

Elsewhere, Deadline reports that Tobias Menzies (Edmure Tully) will assume the role of Prince Phillip in the third season of Netflix’s splashy period piece The CrownDoctor Who veteran Matt Smith played the role for the first two seasons, which start in the ’40s and conclude in the ’60s. The third season will jump ahead to the ’70s, so a recast is in order.

Filming is set to begin this summer, casting further doubt on whether Edmure Tully will appear in the final season of Game of Thrones.

Finally, James Faulkner (Randyll Tarly) has a new film out. He plays the title role in Paul, Apostle of Christ, about the latter days of Jesus’ disciple, when he’s imprisoned by the Roman emperor Nero. Speaking to PhilStar, Faulkner said that it was “an extraordinary privilege to be allowed to play a seminal character within the history of the church and I would hope to be a better person for the experience.”

Anything’s better than Randyll Tarly.

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