An alternate “Game of Thrones” ending has gone viral online, and it’s substantially better than the real version.

Twitter user Khaled Comics posted a video of Bran turning into the Night King in the final moments of the show and revealing he waged into Daenerys before her slaughter of King’s Landing. 

Honestly, it’s about a billion-and-a-half times better than the actual ending. Give it a watch below:

Can somebody from HBO please explain to me how some random guy on Twitter can get his viral ending to be much better than the actual ending millions of dollars were spent on?

It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s just further proof of how bad the original ending was for millions of fans around the world. 

I’ve seen some bad television during my life, and the “Game of Thrones” finale may have topped it all. Don’t get me wrong. I still loved the series, but the ending was unforgivable.

Maybe HBO should reach out to Khaled Comics and ask why some random guy was able to figure out a conclusion to the series that was actually exciting and presumably did it for free.

Shame on HBO, shame on everybody involved (minus the actors), and shame on the people who thought the “Game of Thrones” ending was good.

It most certainly was not. That’s my stance, and I’m not changing it.

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Image: HBO. 



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