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  1. You're correct Daenerys will never sit on that particular Iron throne thats because the iron throne will be destroyed before she has the opportunity to do so, she will sit on a different throne which is more democratic and serves the people. The iron throne was burnt and cracked In danys vision in the books. It's a metaphorical vision , not a literal one. GRRM would never be so obvious dude especially in book 2.
    There is absolutely nothing in that vision that indicates Dany is going to die, nothing whatsoever and I've studied it a few times. I see Drogo and child representing Jon and child, again metaphorical. So many people have fallen for George's trap , I did too until i joined a GOT fandom sites and I got a much better explainion for it. I wouldn't be surprised if dany is the one that actually destroys the iron throne In the end as it represents power and war

    People also forgot that the house of the undying was a test for Dany, It challenged her to not give into her desires and she didn't. Whether it was touching the iron throne or staying with Drogo and child. If she did give in she might of ended up staying in that place forever, whoever enters the house never leaves that's why it's called the house of the undying LOL.

    Dany went into the house against the 13 warlocks and the house was unable to keep her there, she finally awoke on the ground after a day or 2 with 13 demons warlocks sucking on Danys body, she Dracarys them all and walked out like a boss with her 3 dragons. The book vision was much more epic than than the show vision, I guess they didn't have the budget for it.

  2. If the person who passes the sentence should swing the sword – Shouldn't Sansa have swung the sword, instead of Arya slicing with the knife? Does this show how Sansa is different from the Northern society?

  3. I will defend Dany til the end. I agree though she is a Conquer. She also is learning to rule as she goes keep that in mind she has had no instruction on how to be a proper Queen. She is like Aegon reborn in that sense. I don't think she is meant to rule though just help unite.

  4. Basically broke my finger on the like button as soon as you said Jon and dany will end up NK&NQ. That’s why the NK spared Jon. I think he wants to die. Wants to end this immortal life. And in doing so he needs to pass this to Jon and dany. Awesome!

  5. Yes! 🙌🏼 I think we keep hearing about the 13th lord commander and the Night Queen because it’s going to happen.
    Check out “Secrets of the Citadel” the video called History or Future The long Night Never Happened…, it makes a fantastic story even better.
    Regardless I believe you’re right about the NK being named Jon Snow and I think we will see Dany being turned and possibly Jon. I thought so when I saw Dany In season 7 wearing that awesome styled white furry coat against the snow and ice backdrop, foreshadowing to becoming the NQ.
    Maybe all of that past history happened or not but it’s about to happen now? Thank you for your great work! 👍🏽

  6. The perfect ending is Jon be together with Arya.
    Little Robin gets killed by the most brutal way possible. (God I hate that kydd)
    Jorah be with Daenerys. (pretty unlikely)
    Night's King Identify revealed.
    And a Podrick sex scene!

  7. 1:45 I wonder how great of a conqueror Dany actually is. She has three dragons, that's amazing and makes conquering much easier without it requiring more conqueror-skills. She got the unsullied and Drogon still listened to her after the trade. So conquering Yunkai wasn't that great a feat – and she let it got to shit afterwards, shouldn't that be part of the conquest somewhat too? Meereen was much better, but she had enormous help from the slaves and Daario.

  8. Sup mathbro
    I always used to think that the solution to the white walker situation would be that Dany flies back to essos and tears out the safe wall of quarth and flies it back to Gendry who can forge a ton of varerian swords that way.
    Or another idea i recently had was that oathkeeper and widows wail get reforged into ice then in the battle over the gods eye he flies on raeghal above viserion and the NK and jumps and mid air drives into the head of viserionand then while falling jumps into the lake the episode ends and we are unsure as to wether the Nk and Jon are dead or not.
    Then the next episode involves the night kings unmaking by the children of the forest and bran because he has been captured, and Jon wakes up at the beach south of the Gods eye where he is taken capture and brought to Kingslanding wich would motivate Dany to go there.

  9. I'd like your thoughts on a tinfoil theory of mine. Ser Baristan tells Dany that her mother had wanted to marry a Storm lord, could Rhaella have met up with him after the fall of Kingslanding and could he be Danys father? That could be an other reason for the name Stormborn, she was born the bastard daughter to a Storm lord, and thus a Storm in name. It would make a nice parallel to Jon, the Targaryen heir who thinks he's a bastard. This could be the shock twist at the end, or just me getting carried away. What do you think?

  10. I’m genuinely impressed. These must take so much work and you stop and really delve into the thoughts of your fans.

    If Jon is going to be the new NK, would he still be a song of Ice and Fire? Or is the reason he survives because he is both?

  11. What do you think about in season 8 we see a white walker ride summer along with an undead wolf or polarbear army and then arya riding nymeria and her wolf army ride against them. That would be an awesome sequense.

  12. bridge4 Also do you think Cersie is DUMB enough to think she could have a Private meeting with the NightKing.. For Shadowing in season battle @ BlackWater Bay. When she was talking to Sansa about stannic..??

  13. bridge4. Question for you..
    First. Hello. Hope your New Year is going Grate.
    My Question is this. 1. Why is everyone thinking Tryion is betraying Dany after his talk with Cersie..
    I think it is more that Cersie already knew she was going to Lie about helping the North. But wanted to see what all Tryion would offer her for helping & to plant the she's prego seed hoping he wouldn't let Dany go crazy n kill her.. But Cersie needed a way to call in her Banners without Dany destroying them as they came to kingslanding.. &
    What better way to do it. If Dany thinks Cersie is calling the banners to come help the North she won't stop or attack them.. See smart & with ButtHead heading to get the Golden company All Cersies army will be in 1 spot & ready to fight.. Omg.

  14. Maybe it’s not about magic dying so much as it is magic changing. Dany is the last Targ (at least in the show) which means if she doesn’t actually have a child, Jon is the last song of Ice and Fire. With them as NK and NQ, that brings balance. Instead of making more WW they take volunteers to remake the Night’s Watch as it should be.

  15. In the crypts of winterfell, there are so many heroes of Starks buried in their tombs. I don't know if they have some preservation technique, like mummies, for the dead bodies. If they do, It'd be so cool to see what happens when the Nights King comes to Winterfell. Will we see Reckon and Shaggydog's head and Sansa's Lady, come back to like? xD Ok that will be ridiculous.
    And if Brandon the Builder is down there somewhere, What if Night King can reanimate him and make him build random walls in the middle of, i don't know, King's landing? :3
    I want to see Howlan Reed when the army crosses the Neck.

  16. i know this wont happened but if it did wut would u thnk about it ???
    OK so i just thought of this after reviewing Sea.7- Epi. 6 again the part when Jon Kills the W.W & it make the other whites all but one die.. So….. This would be Super BITTER & NOT AT ALL Sweet. OK the end is near, Jon Snow & the Night King approch each other the NK walks up to Jon weaponless, Jon swings his sword at him & the NK shatters just like the white walker Jon killed at hardhome. Jon then falls to his knees just like at hardhome as well. Jon appears to be out of breath & tiered, still on his knees then suddenly falls face forward to the ground as the camera pans away cutting/transfering to Arya, showing her fall to her knees then face down to the ground as the camera pans away to cut/transfer now to Sansa. She falls to her knees then floor ect. Bran same thing falls to the ground panning away now cutting/transfering back to Jon Snow. Jon still face down but seems to be moving / breathing or something like that, he rolls over & /or starts to stand up with the camera panning from his back side to his front side to show his face, eyes closed then opening them to now have blue eyes. Now ( assuming ) the new Night King then cutting/transfering to Arya opening her eyes showing them blue, Sansa, & Bran as well . All the Starks are now White Walkers. The NK was a Stark & killng him some how effected the remaining starks as the pact has been broken Comment # 13 viewer # 370

  17. I wonder if the show will bring back some childrens of the forest. They basically killed them off with Hodor. But If they bring them back I want to see a new design for them. The previous one looked like the children are from some cheap syfy channel alien show or something. I never liked the changes they made to the children's faces. It makes them look different than humans, yes, but it also made them ugly enough for me to not care about them. Sorry if I offended anyone with this comment. I myself is not that handsome, but I like my high fantasy creatures to be fantastic.

  18. i agree with the rest of video…but disagree with the Crypts Of Winterfell guy/girl..In S2e10 if you notice in the HOY visions ..the end of those visions is not when Danny meet with Drogo and her son as many fans thinks/believes..but when she returns back to her dragons..This is the final part of those visions and this means that Danny might to have a nearly death experience[in childbirth or in the final battle]and then to be saved by someone..Beric [with the kiss of life],Mellisandra or Jon himself..or to die [first] and then to be resurrected as a fire Mell or Kinvara,Beric or Jon himself [by giving his life for her and their baby to live]..I believe that Jon and Danny will share the same fate dying or living..Also the change of the 7 pointed star with the Lannister sigil in the window behind the Throne..might means that those visions not going to be true or that that they had start to change[for bad or for good idk]..Thats something says for her fate..


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