There’s still more filming left to do on Game of Thrones Season 7—Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth) has said that the production will shoot through the end of February—but it looks like at least one prominent cast member has punched out for the year. The Daily Mail recently published photos of Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) getting his hair dyed a sprightly orange. Unless Tyrion’s going to get a major makeover in Season 7, we can assume this means he’s finished filming Season 7.

The above Instagram account assumes that Dinklage is getting his hair dyed for his part in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War, although last we checked he was only in talks to appear in that movie. But whatever the reason, it comes to the same thing: that flaming shock of hair won’t be walking into Westeros.

Lest anyone jump to conclusions about Dinklage’s early exit portending bad things for Tyrion, we remind you that we’re nearing the end of the filming season. Kit Harington has left Iceland, the last outdoor filming location on the Season 7 tour, and much of the rest of the time will probably be spent filming stuff indoors at Titantic Studios in Belfast or doing reshoots.

Dinklage isn’t even the first major cast member to wrap things up. For example, Maisie Williams (Arya) got braces before attending the BAFTA Tea Party in Los Angeles earlier this month, and we assume she’d wait to do that until after she shot her scenes in the orthodontically undeveloped world of Westeros.

It’s time to start wrapping things up and get that footage to post-production. Personally, we’re hoping showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss premiere the first Season 7 trailer when they speak at the South by Southwest Festival in March.

Okay, now let’s start in on some SPOILERS.


Circling back to Iceland, although Harington has left, some of the crew members are still in the area. Activity was spotted yesterday on the Black Sand Beach near the town of Vík.

As you can see, there are a couple of boats on the shore, so whatever characters are involved in this shoot may be on the move. As to who’s in the area, a fan got from Iceland recently got her picture taken with both Liam Cunningham (Davos) and Joe Dempsie (Gendry). It’s a good bet they’re involved.

Also seen in Iceland: Rory McCann (the Hound) at a hotel in Reykjavik, the nation’s capitol.

Previously, we’d seen Cunningham and Dempsie film a scene on Muriola Beach in Barrika, Spain. Dinklage was with them for that scene, and the climate was substantially warmer—we thought it was a beach near King’s Landing.

We know that a group of characters, including the Hound and Gendry, will head beyond the Wall at some point in Season 7. This new scene may be a part on their journey. A stop at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, the easternmost castle operated by the Night’s Watch, seems a likely bet.



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