Check out Tushar Lall’s Indianised Arrangement of Pirates of The Caribbean Theme Song, merged with his own Indian composition in between on Sarangi and Flute!


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The Indian Jam project is a fusion platform, founded by young Producer/Composer Tushar Lall, who is the brains behind arranging and composing the Indianised adaptations, often by bombing them with his own compositions. The arrangements are performed with him and some amazing musicians – Prasad Rahane (Sitar), Samay Lalwani (Tabla), Sri Sandeep Mishra (Sarangi) , Prathamesh Salunke (Flute), Vivaan Kapoor (Percussions) and many more. The first video was a cover of the Game of Thrones theme song which got an overwhelming response. Musically it was sound, however, there was a need to step-up the visuals. Tuhin and Amitesh Mukherjee stepped in and ramped up the visuals of the covers and are still behind most of the amazing videos !
Tushar is attempting to knit classical Indian tones into the script of western music to showcase the beauty of Indian Music. It is a one of a kind concept where fusion of Indo-western styles of music produces a concoction which is deeply emotive as well as thought-provoking showing that music transcends boundaries and has no language.

This overwhelming support and love from people makes IJP do what they’re doing!


Download a free wav/mp3 right here :




Adaptation Composed and Arranged by : Tushar Lall (Keyboard) |

Instagram: tusharlall
Twitter : @tusharlall02



Tabla by: Samay Lalwani

Sarangi: Sri Sandeep Mishra

Flute: Prathamesh Salunke


Produced by: Tushar Lall


Filmed by:

Amitesh Mukherjee (Video Editor/ Director)

Tuhin Mukherjee (Cinematographer/ Director)


Still Photography: Hiresh Suvarna


A big thankyou to Hrishikesh Mhatre and his Family for helping us out with a lot of things.

Cheers! 😀

(We do not own the copyrights to any of the content.This video is purely meant for entertainment.)



    A lot of times new videos are out, but they get overlooked because that tiny bell icon on your YoutTube app is not on ! Press the Bell Icon and lets stay connected ! 🙂
    And also, please keep suggesting new stuff, your suggestions are insanely helpful!


    Oh man! Read the following, meditate whether your concept about the Lord is correct or not.

    The Lord of the world is the One Who created all seven Heavens, seven Earths and all things (including mankind) in between them within 6 days. Then He established on the Throne, you have no Protectors or Intercessors besides Him.

    He is the Three Time Knower, He knows the past, present and future of each and everything. He is the Impartial Lord Who Who taught Adhikr-soul of the Book- to everyone from the Paradise itself.

    He is the One Who created everything in pairs from the Earth produces, from themselves and the other things they have no knowledge.

    He is the One Who created pairs of male and female from 'Nuthfa'(Sperm from male/ovum from female) when it is emitted from the father and mother.

    He is the One Who created man from water and made relationships of lineage and marriage; He is capable upon everything.

    He is the One Who shaped mankind in the womb as He wishes; He is capable upon everything.

    He is the One Who created you from a single Soul, and made its mate from it, so he may dwell with her in love.

    He is the One Who created male and female from the embryo, made love and mercy in between.

    He is the One Who has not been comprehended by visions, while He comprehends all visions, He is the One Who knows the inner feelings of the soul, well Acquainted.

    He is the One upon Whom neither a thing on Earth nor in the Heaven is hidden; He is all Hearing, all Knowing.

    He is the One with Whose remembrance shall cause no disaster from whatever is on Earth or in Sky; He is all Hearing, all Knowing.

    He is the One Who taught each and everything the mode of Prayer and Glorification of Him.

    He is the One to Whom whatever in Heavens and Earth glorifies, He is the sovereign, the Sanctified, the Mightiest and the Wise.

    He is the One Who is the acquainted observer of His servants.

    He is the One Who knows the innermost feelings and well acquainted of His servants.

    He is the One Who is enough to acquaint the offences of His servants.

    He is the One Who has the best knowledge about the inner feelings of servants.

    He is the One Who knows treachery of the eyes and what is hidden in the chests.

    He is the One Whom seize not either slumber or sleep.

    He is the One Who is a Witness upon everything.

    He is the One Who is Custodian of everything.

    He is the One Who is the Disposer and Authority upon everything.

    Indeed He is the One Who is capable to bring anyone to his/her previous condition.

    Indeed Lord is comprehensive observing.

    He is the One Who is the acquainted observer of the offences of His servants.

    He is the One Who is the Best Knower of all unseen things.

    He is the One Who is with you wherever you are.

    He is the One Who exists in between the person and the heart in believers.

    He is the One Who if intends a thing, He commands to it: "Be", then it is.

    He is the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Sovereign, there is no Deity except Him.

    Then whoever calls or invokes for help unseeingly from other than Lord Allah (the only Deity), he is serving Satan-the Kafir. Through the verse 112: 1-4 Lord commands the Prophet and today the believer to say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah, the Eternal Absolute (He is not depending anyone while everyone depends upon Him). He no begets, nor is He begotten. There is none just like Him, and He is all Hearing, all Seeing".

    Oh man bestowed with intelligence! You are deputed on Earth in order to live as the vicegerent of Lord. So don't be a vicegerent of Satan by ignoring your Creator Lord. Therefore, if anyone understand his Creator Lord as Adhikr- the Wise Reminder-reveals, he can't even think for doing any evil deed which is harmful to any creature including mankind.

    from the Three Time knower mentioned in the verse 25: 59.


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