**Timeline can be found further down the description**


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Timeline by LegitRage
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* – Sources of Topics (wherever possible) below Timeline:
0:00:00 – Kyle introduces Sponsor (Crunchyroll)
0:01:40 – Kyle introduces the Guest, Melissa
0:02:37 – Melissa’s penis drawing of Wings & the FPS Bootcamp
0:05:55 – Kyle’s fuzzy camera and oldschool adult films/magazines
0:07:51 – Melissa is asked the mermaid question
0:11:44 – Woody got invited to a threesome (and “Big Love” on HBO*)
0:17:58 – Sister Wives (Reality Show)*
0:21:14 – Civ talk and waking up late because of all-night gaming
0:26:18 – Woody fixed a lawnmower (lawnmower and drone talk)
0:28:50 – Taylor & Melissa have some hands-y fun under the table
0:32:31 – Kyle shows off some “Rolling Spider” Drones (continues until 0:42:48)
0:33:50 – Video – Drone targets Bride and Groom*
0:37:41 – Another of Woody’s dogs’ might be passing & getting a new dog
0:42:55 – George Zimmerman got shot*
0:47:30 – Video: Slam Poetry destruction (brutal)* and reaction
1:00:06 – Slingblade (movie)* discussion (Spoilers, duh)
1:04:00 – How did Taylor and Melissa meet?
1:11:20 – Being introverted or extroverted & the centre of attention
1:16:10 – Woody is Aquaman and what Superhero would Kyle be?
1:20:00 – Earthquake in Nepal and poor people dying
1:23:51 – Kyle being devious with business transactions
1:27:26 – What did 13 Year Old you consider to be the best thing ever?
1:37:00 – Catching cows
1:38:18 – Woody’s surfing days and his balance-board
1:40:34 – Game of Thrones talk (Book and Show spoilers, duh)
1:43:00 – Knife talk (Video: extremely long knife*)
1:47:00 – Woody and Colin test the balance-board & Jackie’s ice cream maker
1:50:04 – Taylor worked at Ben & Jerry’s (for one day)
1:54:12 – Woody’s dad’s tireless work ethic (plus Melissa working at Gamestop)
1:59:08 – Kyle’s interests as a teenager & first cars (Woody’s car crash)
2:07:44 – Which girl would you choose? (plus Woody’s Happy trail interest)
2:39:09 – Would Melissa consider another a girl in the relationship?
2:41:04 – Woody can hold his breath in a Hot Tub
2:44:09 – Woody’s moving into his new Home
2:45:46 – Westboro Baptist Church are going to Iraq* & Mexican Cartels
2:48:23 – Beating up random strangers in a line
2:50:14 – Gun talk: Taylor wants a pistol & Kyle’s arsenal
2:54:56 – How’s Woody finding his new home?
3:00:50 – Holding a heavy rifle
3:01:30 – Taylor & Melissa have some hands-y fun under the table (Round 2)
3:02:15 – What mammal do you think you could beat up? (Video: man fights deer*)
3:11:58 – What game do you think is an art Masterpiece?
3:15:26 – Heavy Rain & Bioshock talk (Story Spoilers, duh)
3:23:11 – Kyle’s drone is broke and Ikea furniture assembly sucks
3:28:01 – People in Kyle’s life aren’t good with TVs
3:31:15 – Kyle’s PO Box gifts (GoT lore book, Russian hat and more)
3:34:48 – Kitty’s candle/fragrance business* (and Kyle’s contribution to it)
3:37:31 – Kyle’s upcoming business trips and the PKA Paintball event
3:40:38 – Woody calls it a Show

0:11:44 – Big Love on HBO:
0:17:58 – Sister Wives:
0:33:50 – Drone targets Bride and Groom:
0:42:55 – George Zimmerman got shot:
0:47:30 – Slam Poetry destruction:
1:00:06 – Sling Blade:
1:43:00 – Absurdly large knife video:
2:45:46 – WBC going to Iraq:
3:02:15 – Man tries to fight deer:
3:34:48 – Kitty’s candle/fragrance business:



  1. I think to be fair humans should be able to use other weapons because our strongest weapon is our brain and until we can move shit around with it like Lucy our brains will tell us grab a weapon. The other mammals main defense is there claws, teeth, etc. So to be fair we should be able to use weapons.

  2. Ikea's meatballs is just a Cheap version of the originals. and the ikea furniture isnt even hard to put together, Swedens nation sport is actually a Ikea building race


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