So today Craig is going to look at political ideology in America. We’re going to focus on liberals and conservatives and talk about the influencers of both of these viewpoints. Now, it’s important to remember that political ideologies don’t always perfectly correspond with political parties, and this correspondence becomes less and less likely over time. So, sure we can say that Democrats tend to be liberal and Republicans tend to be conservative, but we’re not going to be talking about political parties in this episode. It’s also important to note, that there are going to be a lot of generalizations here, as most peoples’ ideologies fall on a spectrum, but we’re going to try our best *crosses fingers* to summarize the most commonly held viewpoints for each of these positions as they are used pretty frequently in discussions of American politics.

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  1. I like a nice BIG government but dont like all the other libertarian stuff and like all the conservative stuff exept for a small government, what does that make me a rightist or a leftists ( i like the right)

  2. I lean economically to the right, socially to the left. I generally favor an approach that is in line with what experts of a given field have to say. Ie, when it comes to the climate and ecology, I generally believe what 99% of what ecologists say (global warming is a problem). I wouldn't trust a banker to know what's best for the environment, no matter how smart, because it's not their area of expertise. Likewise, I trust economists when it comes to creating economic policies, especially if 99% of them agree on something, like raising minimum wage to 15$ dollars will hurt the poor more than help and increase unemployment. I don't trust a biologist, no matter how smart, to come up with economic policies because it's not their field of expertise.

  3. Conservatism is an intelligent political ideology that has been poisoned by religious delusions for the past century. Waiting for an era when most American conservatives jettison Christianity from their political outlook, as it will clear the way for a more rational debate to be had on more rational issues than the theological grievances associated with gay marriage and other "sins". I doubt this will happen soon, but I trust that it will eventually.

  4. In america there are 2 types of conservatives and 2 types of liberals. 1st conservative is somewhat libertarian, small gov fiscal cons and unlimited freedom with personal responsibility. 2nd conservative is more alt right bigot hateful racist sexist fascist. 1st liberal is somewhat libertarian, reasonable gov unlimited freedom with personal responsibility. 2nd liberal is big gov nanny state super PC fascist. Of course this all exists on a spectrum. Now there are only 2 types of human beings. 1 obeys tha golden rule do onto others as you'd want done onto you and tha other doesn't. Both types exist in all sides of politics all races all religions all nationalities…being good or evil is a human trait. And in tha end…that is all that matters.

  5. Conservative here.

    I believe you've explained the conservative side as being what's called "classic-liberal". These guys believe in the small-government ideology. But, conservatism is generally sits quite central between libertarian and authoritarian right. I'm slightly authoritarian, and so I hold a more pro-government opinion.

  6. In Brazil these terms are difference.

    Conservative are for traditions and slow way to do changings. Are usually patrotics and christians.

    Liberals are for revolutionaries and think If something blocks our social freedom we should change it no matter the consequences (like: drugs, gay marriage, etc.)
    There is a debate with guns and abortion amoug liberals.

    But Left: means the government invertentions in the economy, higher taxes and social programs, in some cases they are anti-capitalists (minority).

    The Right: means less government in the economy, lower taxes and less regulations, they believe in the free market.

    So you can perfectly be a right-liberal or a right-conservative. Or you can be a left-liberal or a left-conservative.


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