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Why I Stopped Masturbation and Porn:

Ladies and gentlemen. Porn is ruining your life, right in front of your very eyes.

Porn and masturbation. ladies and gentlemen. Even the words are enough to make certain people feel uncomfortable.

What is the most intense toxin on the planet? It’s not mercury folks. It’s porn!

First of all it’s fake, it’s a business. You don’t see all the failed takes, all the viagra, and the women not actually enjoying themselves. It’s like a movie.

Not just a movie because people using it for masturbation

Our sexual energy is responsible for 50% of our total energy, and porn is completely hijacking this. Flows into our relationships and our real life sex and brings us completely into the mind, fixations, and obsessions. Folks we should not be in our minds when we are having sex! We should be in our bodies, in our hearts, and in our animal nature. Porn is such a big issue in our time, that teenage boys are having issues with erections because of porn.

Masturbation for males is absolutely detrimental for the healing journey.

This is like releasing your DNA, releasing your chi – flushing samples of it down the toilet. Survive and replicate are our only mission here on earth, and releasing it is like having a cosmic mission accomplished. Whereas if we held it in, we could create an empire, a business, go deeper into ourselves and life.

Want to learn how to get wealthy and get laid? Stop masturbating! Stop watching porn! Your energy completely changes and you will viewed as more attractive more interesting.

If you take a toy from a child you have to replace it with another toy. Replace it with cultivation of energetic, spiritual awareness, a new game.

Music: TheFatRat – Monody (feat. Laura Brehm) –

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. You should always seek the advice of your physician or otherwise qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, health program, or other procedures discussed in this video.



  1. I am confused on why this is something you are specifically targeting men on? I do not disagree with you, i must want to know why you are only focused on mens Chi and energy, does female ejaculation not remove Chi equally?

  2. What you're talking about are sex hormones. They build up and need to be released and the body creates more. The body also uses these sex hormones for energy. When we hit 30 the hormone productions start to decline. If we are sick and toxic from Mercury our bodies are going to have a hard time producing sex hormones. So yes we should conserve those hormones so we can have energy instead. Porn is addictive even for some women and there's healthier ways to get a release. Getting a release every couple days if one is healthy enough is a good stress reliever and releases endorphins in the brain.

    Josh I still highly recommend you try the cutler protocol to get Mercury out of your brain with ALA. The brain cannot detox itself like the body can.


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