Opening with a discussion of “The Children of the Forest” and their (evident) religious significance given GRRM’s prior writing, e.g., in “A Song for Lya”. In general, I state my opposition to Preston Jacobs’s interpretation of GRRM as “pro-Communist” and “pro-loss-of-individuality” —precisely the same stories (from ASOIAF itself to “A Song for Lya”) can and should be interpreted that opposite way (GRRM doesn’t put forward “the moral of the story” as a simple statement in the protagonist’s mouth).

This channel does, indeed, have an ASOIAF playlist (11 videos so far):

A.S.O.I.A.F. = “A Song of Ice and Fire”, i.e., the books of George R.R. Martin (G.R.R.M.), also known under the title “Game of Thrones”, used by the T.V. adaptation to refer to the series as a whole.



  1. Contrasting democracy to feudalism is unhistorical; democracy in its modern form doesn't appear until a society reaches the Capitalist stage of development. If Martin is a Marxist the main theme of the books will be the transition from feudalism to Capitalism.

  2. Varamyr Sixskins. Yes I agree with this video. When I watch Preston, I feel like he's so excited by the storyline that he loses all sense of the deeper message, ironic because he is analysing said text in great detail.

    P.S. Maybe you should open the comment section more. Your videos are fascinating and it would be nice to comment on them more. If the one way thing is more to your taste, however, then I understand.

  3. Dude, come on, the show is nothing but poor fanfiction. That shouldn't put you off the book series.

    Also, who is this Preston guy? Martin seems like he's showing all the negative sides to everything. Feudalism, Democracy, religion, science and progress, etc.

  4. I've never heard Preston Jacobs ever say that collective consciences in ASOIAF (or any other GRRM works) are supposed to be a good thing. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure he posits that the CotF, The Undying of Quarth, and other collectives are stealing abilities from people and simply using humans that they have deceptively lured into their grasp.


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