The line-by-line analysis of the Winds of Winters sample chapters continues. Alayne needs to find Littlefinger, but keeps getting distracted. Could Randa be to blame?


Alayne Sample Chapter:

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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 7. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest



  1. I'd like to compare this to some of the grasping & overreach of the Jacobites awaiting the return of the "bonnie prince" (Robin?)
    It's a lovely historical nugget to contemplate…
    Though, knowing what we know of LF, he might be setting a (now past that just-right time…FAIL?!?) stage for a dark-haired false scion to The Baratheons Claim… A double's double to Varys' mummer's dragon, hein?
    (Why don't we get some of that "Reform", too, Pappy O' Daniel?")
    Again, thank you for all you do & make, Ser!

  2. 10:17 w-w-what????????

    Dolorous Edd was Highborn? Even if his house isn't a rich one, they must be at least a few steps above the smallfolk….i find this strange because Edd's dialogue always made it seem like he was born in rags, specifically in the aCoK Ranging when he comments about how a bed of straw was a luxury compared to what he was used to.

  3. Disclaimer: Apologies if this was too obviously obvious, or mentioned before. It's about Sandra's suitors and the parallel to Ashford: The missing Targ is no other than… dum dum dum! Sweetrobin Tarryngaryan.

  4. As much as I love Martin, I just can't buy how he writes about sexuality, either everyone in aSoIaF is a pedo or he doesn't understand women.

    Arya is like 10 in her sample chapter but she's talking and thinking about sex and having experience and people want her.

    Sansa is just 13 and there's so much talk about her body/boobs and people wanting her.

    In my head the characters are all a bit older and then it's still creepy but a little less

  5. Hey Prest, Who were the ruling lords in the Eyrie during the Hedge Knight? Could an Arryn have competed? Maybe Arryn is not in the Hedge Knight foreshadowing of Sansa's betrothals that were actual schemes. Consider this: Yes, the king betrothes his Baratheon heir to Sansa. It was official and had to be forgiven by the Faith. The Lannisters DO marry her to Tyrion to forestall the Tyrells. And yes, OIlenna Tyrell seems to have been 100% intent on marrying Sansa to Willas Tyrell. LF is a puppetmaster who has actually acquired an official betrothal between his bastard and Harry Hardying. Arryn, tho… This was Lysa's idea. Lysa is a piece not a player. LF may have let her believe hed make that happen but I think its pretty clear he's already intent on offing Lysa so the Sansa to Arryn marriage was never an actual plot. No more real than Theon dreaming He might marry Sansa and have Ned claim him for a son. So Baratheon, royal Betrothal. Lannister, actual nuptials. Tyrell, plot in full motion only to have it foiled by LF tellin the Lannisters. Hardying, the scheming LF betrothed Alayne to Harry. Arryn tho… A fancy of a delusional soon-to-be murdered woman who is a pawn in the game

  6. "…hates for no apparent reason"
    Cmon man, I know you love being a contrarian but it's like you're forcing it at this point
    Robert Arryn doesn't like Harry because he thinks harry has a special invested interested in his death…


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