The line-by-line analysis of the Winds of Winters sample chapters continues. We now take on Arianne II…part 6. Arianne finally makes it to Griffin’s Roost and finds out there will be the Battle of Steel.

Arianne II sample chapter:

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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 7. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest



  1. Preston and his fans, which castle in Westeros do you think is toughest to take? I gotta go with the castle of the Vale of Aaryn. Only dragons can break through its natural defenses. Although you know what Bronn said, gimme 10 goodmen & I'll impregnate the b**ch. But there's Winterfell, Storms End, Casterly Rock, & nobody's ever taken the Twins. What do you think?

  2. I sort of think that Doran is actually feeding the information he is getting from Arianne to Kings Landing. Varys is or was in Kings Landing and he knows that Doran is careful about getting involved in a war and knows he is going to be playing a double game. Obstensibly the Dornish are returning Myrcella and retaking their seat on the Council, . At the same time Doran is feeding the Iron Throne accurate information about what Connington is up to. I think the Dornish force in the Boneway will intervene in the Stormlands and ally itself with Connington. Doran will claim its a rebel force led by his son, Quentyn and Yronwood. I think the tell is that while the Iron Throne knows about Storms End and Aegon, they don't know there is Dornish princess running around in the Stormlands. I think Doran wants to keep a foot in the Lannister camp as long as he can in order to get information and undermine while he bides his time waiting for news about Quentyn and Dany.

  3. Hey Preston, Do you think GRRM is delaying Winds of Winter until after Season 8 so that the TV show can't steal his story? I mean basically what happens after A Dance of Dragons as it seems the TV show people are not that talented.

  4. Anyone else thinks that Lysono Maar is fAegon disguised? He didn't seem like a good actor, but he did wore a disguise, with the blue hair. And having a flamboyant man with valyrian looks is awfully suspicious.

  5. Daemon Sand is assuming Mace Tyrell is coming because he was the last one to have Storm's End under siege. So, in my opinion, he doesn't KNOW he's coming, more likely it's a safe bet in his mind. Also, he clearly wants to stay far away from Storm's End.

  6. Preston, you mY be right about Mace flipping to Aegon after seeing that Joncon "took" storms end. think about how impressed mace would be since he himself failed to take it by siege. Plus with all the weird Loras stuff about dragon stone and the possibility of him already flipping in secret, the tyrells do need an actual horse to back.

  7. Thanks Preston 🙂 Needed something good today. Also, can't wait to read the next chapter of your book!!! Was thinking about the "alternate" history the other day, and am quite hooked 🙂

  8. not for nothing but the golden company crossing the narrow sea with elephants doesn't remember you of Hannibal of Carthage crossing the alps with elephants during the second punic wars what do you think about this similarity Preston

  9. Mace Tyrell is the Warden of the South. It is logical that he would be sent to deal with invaders in the Stormlands. He's also Hand of the King. Also, the news of Kevan Lannister's death, the Regent of Tommen, must be known by now. For all we know, Mace Tyrell could be the Regent now, if Cersei hasn't been cleared yet. So Daemon Sand would have lots of reasons to expect that Mace Tyrell would march against Aegon Targaryen (or Blackfyre).

  10. I dont think you entertain the idea of scouts well enough, as well as spies.

    You could potentially leave fresh horses in different barns at varying distances, this would help bring word back and forth quicker.
    That's a pretty shit solution but im pretty baked and it would work pretty good I think, so im thinking these Lords of Westeroes would have some better shit going on.

  11. "Perilous on a summer day", in reference to Shipbreaker bay, means that those are rough and hard waters even in the best of conditions. It is just saying that the water is always tough and very dangerous., Nothing to do w/pirates.

  12. This may be a bit farfetched, but if you think there's gonna be a banner mixup between the Golden Company and the Baratheon banners… Instead of the GC pretending to be Baratheons, why not the GC pretending Baratheons are theirs?

    There's an army coming down to Storm's end, and JonCon is spreading the rumor that they took it. That army is also led by an hotheaded warrior who might not have it in him to discuss much. If he arrives at Storm's end after hearing that the GC took it, after that business with his siblings and all, then he sees limp golden banners, could he not just attack before they get to clear up the misconception? Storms end's garrison might also see Mace arrive, and assume he's knowingly attacking them, so no need to try to set things straight.

    Also, a rumor about say Margaery's execution (true or false) could led people to believe Mace doing a lot of things.
    Then, in the heat of battle, say they crack the door open, JonCon arrives behind him and charge, and we get to see these 'lost' elephants. JonCon doesn't have the numbers, but Ramsay didn,t have them either when he attacked the Winterfell siege, and still won by surprise. JonCon's surprise will be even better; The northern forces knew Ramsay was there, they only took him for a friend. Mace won't know that JonCon is there at all, with the mist and all. If Mace can break the gate and engage the defense, then JonCon can just sweep in and ride over both with his cavalry/elephants.

    The only flaws I'd say are 1) Would the gates break that easily? and 2) Would Mace attack that fast, not really his style?
    But Red Ronnet leading the army (or the van) would answer to #2 (he would attack regardless of Mace's intentions), and about #1… Maybe the attack will not even begin with the gate's closed, for some reason? Maybe there will be more treachery of some kind and the garrison will believe Red Ronnet is actually there as an ally, like (again with this battle) Theon commanding the gates open for Ramsay, who then slaughtered them?

    So it would go like this : Red Ronnet arrives, they open the gate. Battle ensues, Ronnet thinks the Storm's end garrison are in fact the GC. When the main army arrives, it's too late to set a siege, Tyrell style, and they have to move in and join Red Ronnet's forces. JonCon attacks them both from behind, and crush them easily. Arianne arrives later on, and they welcome her in the castle.

    This explains why no maester (because they don't have it yet) and also why they told Arianne they took it, and they'll talk to her inside the castle. Because there would be no way for them to bullshit about talking to her outside if they have it… She would think it suspicious, limp golden banners on the wall, or not.

    JonCon talked about using trickery, this is exactly that. More tricky than just telling Arianne "Oh yeah, the castle's mine. You just can't come in just yet, err the place is a mess".

  13. I read a very essay (think it was on Wars and Poliics of Ice and Fire) that the Battle of Steel was going to be something like Agincourt – the chivalry of the Reach and the Tyrells crushed by the ruthless pragmatism of the Golden Company. Showing that numbers and knights won't win a bad general a battle in Mace and that the Golden Company won't lose like the first Blackfyre Rebellion by showing Honour like at Red Grass Field. It'd be interesting and very GRRM if that was the case.

  14. I think it's noteworthy that the Halfmaester's line "Prince Aegon plans to smash his enemies on the field" is the first mention of Aegon. This may mean that Connington is drawing the army from King's Landing and tricking them into thinking that Storm's End is taken and must be besieged. Meanwhile, Aegon is leading a force to trap the army against the walls and take them unawares. Remember that Storm's End is still held by Stannis loyalists, so to them the approaching Tyrells would be the aggressor, and Aegon their deliverance


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