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President Barack Obama sits down with Bill Maher on the eve of the election to discuss the issues Real Time viewers care about.

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  2. I am 65 years old and President Obama is the best president of my lifetime. History will prove me out, and it will skewer the narcissistic, misogynistic, lying, traitorous, RACIST orange clown. That is if humans are left to write history after the damage he is causing.

  3. Obama seems really tired. From his own words it is clear that he "worked hard trying to be right so he could go to bed feeling good about himself…in his bubble." Notice how he constantly assumes the average person doesn't know about all the complex and multifaceted issues the way he does. Yet he is oblivious to the things people know that he doesn't know. I would love to have a conservation in my living room with Obama. But if he really listened to average people he would realize they know things he doesn't. I understand his particular brand of balanced Democratic socialism. It is espoused and propagated in the vast majority of main stream media outlets. But could Obama really demonstrate an understanding of Thomas Sowell's views on economics, or Shelby Steele's philosophy of race relations? I think not. He was stuck in his bubble of the intelligentsia, for 8 years watching as his good sounding ideas failed to work in the real world. That must be exhausting. Like I said, he looks tired.

  4. None Hitler associate report))) you are denied /denied you guilty or not guilty politics for calladeral to have me murdered xsign Illuminati Illuminati to The United States of America Government 1900 centuries

  5. Obama was a very intelligent and composed leader, we were lucky to have him. It makes me sad to think how much of the good he did during his 8 years in office has been undone by our current president. Hopefully all the young people Obama inspired during his presidency will not forget the lessons he taught us, especially about putting what is right before politics and greed. One day we will have a chance to set things right.

  6. I freaking love this guy.. Soo.. smart, interlectual and we'll spoken. Unlike Trump, fuck trump. Oboma was the best present ever. Can't say it enough, this man is Soo freaking smart. While Trump is still trying to put together a complete sentence a year into his presidency. So sad so uneducated so Trump.

  7. This interview is nearly prophetic as far as the backtracking the current admin has done. It is nearly likely that it's the GOP playbook for destroying so many of the works Mr. President got done in his time.

    "Agree on facts, then argue about means . . . " That would help build some platform for the new administration to maybe get some work done rather than spend time tweeting . . . The section on agribusiness was surprising. Food purity etc. Surprised me that Maher asked.

  8. From one of the best POTUS , to what we have now . It truly is sad what money can buy , and for what those with money are willing to do to sell out the rest of us to do it , if ever there was a time to water the tree of Liberty it is now or we face the destruction of not only the last beacon of hope but hope itself .

  9. What a great interview.

    I think the comments on here sum it up… what a privilege to have lived in this lifetime to witness such a great man in office. Full of class, intellect and the human spirit. We will miss you President Obama.

  10. As for the legalization of weed, it absolutely should be legalized completely. No limit as to how much you can have on you at any one time. But people also need to realize that smoking ANYTHING is bad for you, whether it's weed or cigarettes or cigars or pipes. That doesn't mean that the government should protect you from yourself, because that's not it's role.

  11. Love the bit where he lists the progress made. You can say it wasn’t enough and you might be right, but it was something, it was wide reaching and it was all positive.

    Hated the rhetoric in 2016 that the Dems and GOP were essentially the same. It was lazy and stupid and these days, we can only sit by and watch as the craven GOP (headed by trump) undoes the progress mentioned.

  12. Can’t believe Obama spent the whole interview attacking Mitt Romney and John McCain. It’s disgusting that he made random threats to other countries and did so much to take America out of the world.

    His denial of science in this interview is disconcerting, too. Does he think all those scientists are lying?? For what purpose? What about all the evidence they have?

    Can’t believe he brought his dick size up, too! In an interview! Shocking. Still, that was nothing compared to saying Nazis were good people. That was some tone-deaf BS. What can you expect from the guy who’s killing record numbers of civilians abroad though?

    What’s with all the childish nicknames? Where does he think he is? Presidents are supposed to set an example to the rest of the country, especially children! That talk about grabbing pussy. Yuk. Obama is disgusting!

    Oh hang on… that’s not Obama, that’s the other guy, isn’t it? Sorry… ignore all that! Whoops!

    Still, who puts mustard on a burger*, eh?

    *McDonalds. McDonalds does.

  13. Wow! I had heard rumours that the president of the United States used to be able to express full, cogent thoughts in complete sentences and have policy discussions without resorting to petty beefs, nicknames and slogans. I didn’t believe it, but here’s proof! *sigh*

  14. TRUMP (3)

    why not impeach this man

    you can do it, yes you can

    TRUMP is a horrific bore

    this is not what democracy is for

    he is for one a malignant narcissist

    it makes genuine hearts pissed

    why not impeach this man

    you can do it, yes you can

    depth of a surfboard

    intellectual nitwit, is our accord

    no awareness whatsoever

    he is not even a tiny bit clever

    why not impeach this man

    you can do it, yes you can

    the world is more dangerous now

    thanks to this trump clown, wow

    all his life enemies in every corner

    that should have been an early warner

    why not impeach this man
    you can do it, yes you can

    kick his poor ass to "nambia",

    get rid of this bad breed

    that is from us to him OUR wishfull tweet,

    our everlasting TREAT

  15. Yes sir: Nothing is true. It took half a lifetime to figure out nothing, but I've got it basically quantified, and now it's just a matter of filling in the blanks.

  16. The Son of God is coming back soon with his armies to destroy America's Military, and all the other Militaries that oppose him! And then you will all see what the most powerful Military in the world looks like!

  17. His comment about “the founders’ wisdom” regarding term limits is actually in error: the 2-term limit was put in after the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (he’d won four terms, FYI).

    The term limit on the presidency is less than a century old.

  18. It's sad the American people don't even know Obama was never president of the united states of America Obama was only a puppet for the Bush – Clinton Crime Families. Obamas elections were rigged by the Bush – Clinton Crime Families some tards still under the influence of the indoctrination of the main stream media and Hollywood propaganda will say ooo no Hillary ran against Obamanation LOL No she didn't it was all rigged she wanted this presidency after Obama did his 8 years of damage to America Hillary was going to finish America. All this will come out soon all that is hidden will be reveiled soon America will be back and all these lowlife anti American liberal parasites will be hanging from the trees

  19. Agree with most things, but disagreed stringly with some things Obama said here and did throughout his Presidency. But you have to admit he is a rational, intelligent person. I Miss the rationality…

  20. His greatest failure is not promoting his actions as helping the white middle class and focusing on campaign finance and financial industry reform instead of health insurance reform. They are the ones who vote with the numerical majority to elect someone to office and the ones with the money to fund campaigns.

  21. Seeing this again makes me cry for what we have lost. I don't know how we can ever recover from what Trump and the boot-licking Republicans have done to us. Time to get involved with the 2018 election!


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