Sweetrobin, Brandon Nightsking and Chad Summerchild are back for their review and analysis of Game of Thrones episode S07E01. Will Season Seven somehow improve?

Also, check out Carmine’s review:

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▬▬▬▬ Information ▬▬▬▬

Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. Season Seven of the show has arrived and we follow the adventures of Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister. Review. Analysis. Breakdown.



  1. You know what the Night's Watch should do. Instead of the stupid vow of not fathering children, wouldn't it make more sense to let them father children, so they can better man the wall. Turn Oldtown into a city. Keep the vow of not marrying, that'd be useless.

  2. Regarding the tiff between Sandra and Kit: Jon started by saying something like "You're my sister BUT you musn't question me…" RIGHT before saying that anything that comes before the word "but" is horseshit. GOOD JOB Kit Harrington. As usual.

  3. well, about the 'ruling for two weeks' problem, don't the memories of the person she's wearing the face of 'float' into her?
    That's kind of why the faceless men can impersonate others without getting caught. So Arya would know what his duties were and where to find his children.

  4. Q: how is it good strategy to bring your entire Navy up to dragon stone, drop off a few peeps and THEN send them back the way they came to go to Dorne (as well the Casterly rock brigade could've divided off early too) exposing your Navy for extra trips for no good reason except they needed to see the westeros map table? It's not like they were getting provisions on dragon stone…

  5. I find it scary that so many people think the Arya/Walder speech was
    great and all. She gave a speech that glorified genocide and presented
    mercy as a mistake. Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe?
    That's not how we treated wolves, we kept them at bay, we didn't hunt
    them to extinction, hell we integrated them into our society, we
    domesticated them, they became loyal friends to us. What the fuck is
    this genocidal extermination speech from Arya and why do people like it?
    To me it seems like something a fucking Nazi would say in a speech
    "that was your mistake, you should have killed them all, root and stem."

    What the fuck is wrong with people?

  6. Why doesn't Stanis start to mine dragon glass and make weapons ASAP?

    "Yeah, I totally know there's this army of ice zombies that's totally gonna kill us all, but I can't be bothered with that right now, I'll be busy losing a war. You do it instead, Samwell Tarly… go… study some more or something."


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