When you look at a story, you read about a character, you picture in your mind who would be perfect for that role. Game of Thrones was famous for its on-point casting. Actress Emilia Clarke was perfect as the Mother of Dragons Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys has become a pop culture icon, and whether you like it or not, you have to bow down to the queen when even ‘The Baddest Man on Planet’ calls the character a badass. Though Daenerys later goes on to become a ruthless tyrant, and gets killed off for the same, her rise to power has been an inspiring story to many. One of them being Prince Harry.


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The history of the British Royals has been not much different from Game of Thrones, and has seen a fair share of violence and disputes. Prince Harry’s own mother died under mysterious circumstances, and his life hasn’t been a particularly easy one. In his memoir, Spare, he mentions Daenerys Targaryen as his comfort character during his lowest moments, and says:

“Her story resembles mine in many ways. She is so inspiring to me. Just like Daenerys, I will take back what was stolen from me. I will take it.”

What do you think is Prince Harry referring to? Talk to us on our Discord server!

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