This is the end game theory for Jamie The Kingslayer Lannister. This is PROOF Jamie Lannister story will end. If you dont want to know don’t watch possible spoilers for season 8 of Game Of Thrones . When we see Jamie leave kings landing where is he going? This video has the easter eggs and things you missed that give you proof of how Jamie Lannister final arc will go. Is it redemption or something else?
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  1. Sir Teflon, I like it…but since we know this won't be a happy typical ending…can you add something to this that will show a bitter ending? How about Jamie kills the next King, John the undead King…he's a wightwalker..I gotta kill it!..maybe? But Ide like your thoughts on how a bitter ending will tie into this theory please…thank you sir..

  2. Happy NameDay Tony. I am not sure if it will fit exactly like this but I do agree and if you remember a couple of my previous comments on your vids about Jaime and Jon that yes Jaime will do something to aid Jon. In the end Jaime will no longer be known as the Kingslayer but the Kingmaker.

    I would also love if the show gave Jaime, Jon Con's line from the book regarding (f)Aegon.
    "I failed the father, I shall not fail the son."

  3. Yes Jaime is on a redemption arc. A big redemption step came when he turned his back on his psycho sister/lover and decided to head North,ย presumably to joinย Team Jon and Dany.

    Yes Jaime will probably kill someone important to save someone important as part of his redemption arc. And history will repeat itself. GOT is cyclical. But I think Jaime's destiny lies with his sister. It is heavily hinted in the books. I think their two fates are intertwined. He may go from King Slayer to Queen Slayer, and in the process save the population of King's Landing from mass murder and Wild Fire, and ALSO save someone important (Jon, Dany?) from being killed at the hands of Cersei. Jaime goes from Zero to Hero.

    And I think that Hands of Gold song that was originally about Tyrion and Shae in the books, was put in the TV show to foreshadow what Jaime will do next season. Just like The Rains Of Castamere also applied to the Red Wedding.ย The Hands of Gold lyrics can easily apply to Jaime and Cersei's secret shameful love. Otherwise, why put it in the show? It can't be just about a cameo spot for Ed Sheeran.

  4. Tony the man Teflon you mentioned John is the rightful heir !!!??? But the fact that his family was conquered by House Baratheon Targaryens have no such right to the throne It would have to be someone from that house who ever it would be right now but not any Lannister Stark Targaryen by rights of conquest its Baratheon… That being said Cerci fucked everyone KAA BOOM


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