In this video using things you missed and easter eggs from the book and the show. I will give you one of my game of thrones theories and 100% Proof Tyrion Lannister will die In Game of Thrones season 8 This is the Black Wedding theory Game Of Thrones Easter Eggs from season 8 and Game of Thrones season 7 easter eggs and spoilers valonqar prophecy solved by the Don Tony Teflon got hbo season 7
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  1. What about Yara/Asha? What about her tongue? Still there? I can see Tyrion losing his and not making it just cuz I can see All the major Houses getting wiped out. Not just Tyrion. Burn them All 🔥😂

  2. With his tongue cut out he can still communicate mate. Both tyrion and danny can read and write. Also you can hardly name someone a traitor when their tongue has clearly been cut out.

  3. I love this theory. Tyrion is not a good person, not many are good on this show. That was exactly what David Chase was trying to show us with the greatest TV show of all time the Sopranos. Ppl got attached to characters and projected their own feelings onto them, blocking out the fact that Tony and damn near every person on that show either had serious issues with selfishness, narcissism, or were flat out sociopaths. Problem is we get attached to characters and become blind to their character flaws, flaws that sometimes lead to their own demise. The clues are there in the books and the show. Good job pointing them out.

  4. I don’t think we can say that kinslayers are condemned in some way others aren’t… just because people who’ve killed their family members also die…that’s not anything special… so do thousands of other characters who aren’t kinslayers. Isn’t Euron like the Uber-kinslayer?

  5. that’s a good one! i do question Dany just burning him tho cuz…wouldn’t she tell he has his tongue out? Wouldn’t she try communicate with him? Or do you think she mad queen or her doing this just pushes she is really mad queen?
    i personally hate this cuz I like tyrion and think he is not only problematic character in Thrones plus I hate Tywin he did abuse tyrion since he was born so his death I am like eh it what he deserves lmao but if we’re going all Lannister children getting tragic af deaths that is a good theory! Also like how you put in there that Tyrion’s connections with dragons/Fire is more about him dying by their hand too.
    Jason Momoa did say last season will fuck people up…

  6. I really enjoyed this video! Great foreshadowing. Tyrion has been giving Danearys alot of bad advice. He is giving her lots of reasons to distrust him. I personally think they are setting it up nicely. The way she has been looking at Tyrion has changed. It won't take much for her to realize he isn't helping her. I believe he had good intentions with Danaerys until they arrived in Westeros. Westeros is his home and where his family is. Turning on them was easier said than done. So you think Dany will use Drogon as lightbringer? As many times as they have mentioned Azor Ahai can be either prince or princess, what if it is Jon and Dany together, ice and fire together is Azor Ahai? Also, the dream of basically Euron and Cersie becoming "others" is very telling of their possible future too. All in all, a very good look into season 8!

  7. Hey, great video as always…What happened to the live stream the other day ?…I think that Tyrion will live to the end because he is GRRMs favorite character . He could have his tongue cut out but that won't kill him…I don't think Danerys will kill him.

  8. Tyrion's not a good person in book, he had a singer made into a bowl of brown, killed prostitutes, killed dad, and if he thought he could get away with it, he bed Sansa.
    But I hardly doubt Danerys will kill him because he lost his tongue, the man can write he has his hands, I do believe he may (as Tyrion has always stated to others he always bets on his family) betray her for family love; now that I can see him being burned for.

  9. Why would Dany burn him for not being able to speak? Surely he can still write? That last part makes no sense to me. I was with you up until you got to the Dany stuff.

  10. Tyrion may not be out to get Dany, but he does have his best interests at heart. He is a survivor. How he hasnt been killed yet is a miracle. So part of me thinks he will continue to survive…but to the detriment of others around him.

  11. Tony, always ahead of the game, always bold, and pretty much always right. Love it. I would only would like to request a few more Book-Specific videos/theories with the WoW release getting closer (maybe?). The show is so off-book at this point (but IMO still ridiculously awesome) that using the show to predict what will happen in the books makes about as much sense as nipples on a breastplate.
    I like the idea that after having his tongue removed, that Tyrion may be a court jester. The book focuses an awful lot on the pity and contempt Tyrion has for Penny and her brother for using their size to make people laugh and why even reintroduce those characters if not to make them a big part of his arc. He also talks a lot about how Tywin told him that he is a Lannister, and a Lannister must be feared and respected, not a joke. And it even seems as tho Tyrion gets a small (pun intended) amount of pleasure by doing something that he knows would drive Tywin nuts, so his tongue less inner monologue will be super interesting to read.

  12. Tyrion does bad stuff in the books and people ignore it. Same with catyln and dany. I do believe he will lose his tongue as jaime lost his hand as in his power. Cersie is not as beautiful as she is in the show version as Kevin said she used to be like a goddess. And tyrion will lose his tongue as his power and all that pride of the lannisters will be lost. At least in the book. Show wont go into the detail much

  13. Great video! I could see Tyrion's tongue getting cut out. The Lannisters have a track record of losing prized possessions/weapons: Jaime loses sword hand, Cersei loses her beauty….so it stands to reason that Tyrion could lose his tongue.

    Now him being burned by a dragon…I wonder at that. He did set them free in Meereen. They seemed to like him. Not saying that will save him.

  14. I could see that happening. Then I could see Jaime killing Cersei in a fit of rage. I don't think his tongue being cut out and his inability to speak as a result is enough to make Daenerys want to kill him though.


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