Tyrion is hand of the queen to Daenerys Targaryen. Lets talk some thrones. who will he remain loyal to when the goes up against the family hes always loved. Will Tyrion betray Daenerys ? Is he a turncloak? tyrion and sansa ?In this video big easter eggs you missed that points to this happening. Huge discovery game of thrones episode 3 season 7
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  1. It is a strong possibility.  I think they're trying to make it out that Varys will be the one to betray, but it would be too obvious.  I do not think Jorah would ever betray her so maybe it's Tyrion?

  2. I honestly can't see anything coming of it. just like how "the Boltons rule through fear" and how people would betray them, but they actually fought to the death. or how the north loves the Starks, but they received little assistance in taking back Winterfell. With no more book to help, the show is just terrible. Things maybe hinted at or even outright stated, but they wont follow through on any of it. It's less like A Song of Ice and Fire and more Lord of the Ring at this point.

  3. I agree. He will betray her. Here are my reasons:
    1. His two missions against the Lannister army failed. It's like they knew ahead of time what was going to happen. Why?
    2. His obsession with her successor was weird.
    3. He did not want her to go rescue Jon and the "Suicide Squad". It's almost like he wanted everyone close to her to die.
    4. He did not seem happy about her wanting to go with Jon on the boat back to Winterfell.
    5. He is not happy about her and Jon's romance. It wasn't jealousy. It seemed more like anger about somebody "getting in his way".

    I don't know. What do you guys think?

  4. I've briefly looked through comments and seen ppl hate Daenerys and hate Arya WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK what fucking show are you watching cunts if you don't like Daenerys and Arya then fuck off and don't watch the show this makes me furious

  5. After seeing how wounded Tyrion looked when he saw Jon enter Dany's room, it hit me that he may very well be in love with her. I think he will know that Jaime left Cersei, so his betrayal may be more from a broken heart than family.

  6. The negotiation with cersei, i get this from someone else, might be crowning Cersei's kid even if she's defeated in the war. They have discussed bitterly about succession and heirs, I guess Tyrion might want to betray Danny in this way. The love for Cersei's kid, he emphasised it

  7. Just scrolling through things after the season finale and this makes much more sense. The boat scene, Tyrion's looks on the boat. Tyrion's meeting with Cersei all makes me wonder!! I really think that you might have called it!

  8. Going by the other theories I'd say Jon is the one to betray Danny given the love of his people in the north.
    I recon Danny is gonna become corrupt with the idea of the throne being her birth right n the feelings of resentment because she doesn't have it yet.
    She will burn those who go against her like she did with Samwells dad and brother.
    She is becoming worse than Cersi because it's a bend the knee to me or die.
    I have a feeling that the ice king can see what is gonna happen so is leading an army down to fight against her.
    Also by the whole theory of the pact between the starks and the night king I recon that with Jon being half stark n half targaryen he will become the ruler of the seven kingdoms and reforge the pact with the white walkers as he has brought all the humans back south of the wall.

    Back to the whole "who to not trust" I have a feeling that she isn't warned against a Targaryen/Stark (Jon) because then it would be obvious that Jon is her brother and she would seek to do something to him cause he would be the one entitled to the throne (Danny is a bit power crazy at this point in the story) (Also it would make the story a lot duller and less mind blowing)

    Now to the theory about cersi death I think tyrion will kill her because
    1. His personal feelings towards cersi
    2. He will see that Jon is the rightful heir so lends his allegiance to him instead of Danny because after all… he is a Lannister and wants to be on the winning side.
    3. Tyrion is an outcast because he is a dwarf so he kind of has that connection with Jon (being a Bastard n all)
    4. The pact idea I mentioned will need the current ruler gone so Jon can take the throne. But Jon won't do that himself because look at how he was made king of the north through respect rather than killing and taking the title. He earned it.
    Jon does what's right for his people. (Sign of a good leader/king)

    -Side note Bran reveals that Jon n Danny are related.–

    Another feeling I have is that during the big battle of the living n dead Jon is taken by the night king and is spoken to by him. Which becomes the pact blah blah blah

    Id like to see the show end with Jon as king of of the 7 kingdoms but has wardens in each of the other 6 kingdoms whilst he stays in winterfell,
    the iron throne is moved to winterfell,
    Danny is dead,
    Jon gets the last remaining dragon seeing as he is a targaryen (the whole dragon blood thing)
    The night king still keeps the ice dragon. (Cause an ice breathing dragon would be cool af)
    Bran becomes one with the tree with the face and become "the seeing tree" which allows select people to see things when touched.
    Arya becomes Jon's eyes and ears in the seven kingdoms thanks to her skills she learned.
    Sansa becomes the new night queen to seal the pact again, also as punishment for betraying Jon
    she will birth the new breed of white walkers so they don't have to use undead foot soldiers anymore, the white walkers become a peaceful race north of the wall thanks to this. It would be a waste of a good leader to just kill her.

  9. I said something to my hubby about Tyrion having a hard time with the Battle and against his family but I totally got shrugged off as "it's hard to watch people get hurt and die" but many people talk mad sh*t about their family but actually doing something . . . most people talk a big game and Tyrion has reason to feel hurt and betrayed and unloved, but he's not really a killer. The pain it took for him to do anything about his father after years of pain and he still doesn't "run" into battle even after defending King's Landing and burning people alive. . . .he's seen death. . . . .this is a personal thing.

  10. Maybe the lion not to trust is Jamie? He is a Lannister…a lion. Tyrion has guaranteed Daenerys. That his brother, Jamie the lion, will not betray them and give them a audience with Cersei Lannister. He promised hearing that he would make sure Cersei would sit down and listen with no trickery. so possibly the love between Tyrion and Jaime blinds Tyrion to trust Jamie, therefore persuading Danny to trust him and it'd be a trap? Far-fetched but another theory none the less

  11. Once for love may very well be messandei..she's been acting sort of shady. And she is in love with Grey worm.. so it's going to be either Tyrion or Messandei. I can see a situation arrising where should may have to betray her to save Grey worm.

  12. He believes in her and he wouldn't just up and betray her in the full sense of the word…however….I can totally see him in a situation where he sabatoges a plan/sends warning in order to spare Jaime's life.

  13. He will betray her for Jamie. Definitely! He still loves his brother and if it came down to the wire. It would be Jamie. He would betray Danny for him. He wouldn't want to hurt Danny either but he loves Jamie! I thought that would be clear to everyone…

  14. As a queen Dany HAD to show force and the Lannister's and all the so-called heads of their houses NEEDED to know she is a force to be reckoned with – the Lannister's have been so cruel -( the Frey's–the Bolton's etc )-it's time Dany stepped up

  15. What if it's jon who betrays her for love? Think about it he loves his people above all. He will do anything to protect them. He is a natural born leader who is empathetic, sees the bigger picture. Dany just wants to burn the red keep. If anything Jon cannot trust her. Dany seems to be taking after the mad king, from what the show is trying to make everyone perceive. However her burning people in war is exactly that, war. They are not innocent. Why the reason to make her seem mad? So Jon can betray her? Because he sees everyone living as an ally and needs everyone to help defeat the night king.

  16. There are really no 'throw aways' every word and action leads to something and Tyrion did not like that Daenarys burnt those Tarney's alive. Yep, and he loves Jaime and he's the people of Westeroes.


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