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  1. I haven't read the book, but couldn't it be a reference to Sam potentially being the narrator and the world existing in the eye of a blue eyed giant just meaning he's relaying the story from his point of view? A sort of self aware 4th wall reference to them being characters in a book.

  2. Honestly, i feel the brief mentions in the show are meaningless, but when you take into account the teaser trailer that ends with Cersei sitting the Iron Throne, which then zooms out onto what is presumably a white walker or even the night king's eye, the theory suddenly has more weight.

    Its still probably just a story, and grrm is very good at making even the ridiculous seem plausible in some fashion, but i do feel like that teaser trailer was at least a nod to the giant's eye story, if not a subtle giveaway.

  3. Harpy, the Macumber story was a part of a narrative device. It's easy to miss because the scenes involved were shown seasons apart. They had to use a device because they can't afford to build Bran's arc as intricately as GRRM's books have done. The whole Oberyn-Tywin scene was a "mirror" scene to Bran's whole "crow's are liars" scene. Watch them again & spot the many similarities; both were set in a bedroom; both featured an older "authority" figure interrupting the younger character on his favorite activity; etc. It looked like they included the giant's story to catch the attention of the audience, so we'll compare those 2 scenes but I think on its own, the giant's story has no significant meaning to the narrative.

    A literal mirror not only shows beauty, it also reflects flaws.. a narrative 'mirror' device also does the same. Bran's flaws were in full display on the 'crow's are liars' scene.. and it's not the physical/literal flaws that is being put on the spotlight.. it's his very character. I think the mirror device was aimed to reveal how profoundly 'fractured' Bran's character was, even before he learned of his powers. Just last S7 we saw his progress.. the burden that comes w/ his powers is causing him to detach emotionally & socially, even Meera was hurt by how 'dead' he had become. If Bran continued on this path & if we use the hints from his 'crow's are liars' scene.. it leads to a possibility of Bran either loosing his grip on reality at the end. Or Bran choosing to abandon his reality (body & life) by using his power (warg into someone or some other creature then let his body die/kill his own body).

  4. My theory is that the blue-eyed giant is the Night King (who sees the past and the present) and that Macumber is his human name. Knowing it may be important to the end game: maybe Arya will need the Night King's name to offer it to the Many-Faced God or something. There is an archetype rule that naming annuls the spell or makes some wild force controlleable. It's also worth to mention that the blue eyed giant is the show only thing just as the Night King (the Night's King of the books is a different person and the WW in the books have no specific leader). So, the blue-eyed giant and his name might be tied to the ultimate villain of the show.

  5. Okay, so there are giants inside this giant's eye… could be images inside the eye from when he looks in the mirror . And since the eye is basically a lens, and lenses invert images, that means the entire world is…. UPSIDE DOWN!

  6. Hey I'M all about this theory as well. I do not know if you or anyone else has touched on the following, I have always noticed that during the opening credits as we're shown the different locations. In the background of some shots. The world doesn't follow the typical shape of every known planet. It curves upwards/inwards. Exactly what you would expect to see if inside a sphere. Please let me know what you think about this. And if you have not noticed this be
    before. Then you're welcome.


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