Tom, Sam, and Zee play this space game in which you draft dice, fly ships, and…get points through a myriad of ways. See if Sam and Zee like it as much as Tom?

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  1. I feel for Tom. I've been in this situation of loving and game and playing it other people who could care less. I just enjoy myself and feel bad for them that they're not able enjoy themselves as much as I do.

  2. I don't see how this game is fun. First it looks and feels like a prototype, second it's a arbitrary point salad, and there are far better ones. Third it seems like a game full of rules exceptions, and bad iconography, and pointless upkeeping.
    With so many good games around, I don't see the draw of this kind of game.

  3. The Gyrodyne construction awards (points for having the first two similar gyros) are only awarded when you have placed the gyros on the board on pulsars irrespective of having them activated (rules book page 12, middle right section). Tom should not have receive the 7 points at 18:40 min.

  4. Sorry guys, you are playing the counter move wrong during dice selection (starting 14:00 min). When choosing a die, you move one of your counters a number of spaces determined by the number of die spaces between the meridian marker and the chosen die (rules book page 8, top left corner). For example, if the marker is left of the six die space and you pick a one die, you can move 5 spaces to the positive direction…


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