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  1. Maude, I just wanted to say thank you for plugilng the series "Dark Matter" on this episode. I don't always comment on your videos, but I wanted to mention this because one of my favorite things about this series is the idea of redemption. If you don't remember doing the things that made you that way, are you still a terrorist? Or could you be different? I love this series so much!!!!

  2. Maude, I know you probably don't want to give opinions on this but what is your opinion now where NowThisNerd has pretty much died?
    I've been keeping track of their subscriber count and they've lost over 100,000 subs (including myself).

  3. Playing:- Minecraft but with mods to make the food not go as far. makes it more entertaining than the standard minecraft.

    Watching:- was watching farscape but just got netflix, so having a star trek voyager binge , also started black mirror liked the first episode even though it gave me a bad taste in the back of my throat. Also started the second part of the original BBC house of cards trilogy. In it you have a very right wing prime minister going up against a left wing king, so with myself as a socialist and an anti monarchist it can get really confusing who to be rooting for especially when the king undermines the prime minister for sound reasons. I love that it does this to me lol.

    Reading:- if you can call reading one chapter every few weeks. (watching always trumps reading for me which is a shame) I started reading Stella Rimington's book at risk, hoping it be a replacement for the spooks tv series.

    Doing:- started programming project along with a blog to help me become a better programmer and to improve my writing skills.
    that's me. peace be the journey

  4. You would be perfect as a presenter on the Project show on channel 10 back over here in Australia. But I'm not sure what's going to happen with Channel 10 as they have recently gone into receivership. Glad you like Dark Matter 😉 I think it's great 🙂

  5. Yeah I'm putting off finishing BotW too lol. For the same reason. (Haven't felt that way since Skies of Arcadia. Still remember putting in disc 2 of that game and literally fearing it meant it would be over soon lol.) Trying to to every last shrine currently.

    Also… Zelda's eyes are so expressive!

  6. I've just been catching up on some older games and whatnot. 0 reading these days because I have the same problem Ryan has with focusing, I'm a visual person otherwise I space out.

  7. Maude, if it's any reassurance, I'm one of the toughest people you could meet and I cried through Wonder Woman both times I saw it, lol. I have a genetic disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects every part of my body and involves upwards of a dozen joint dislocations every day. I'm in constant, severe pain (including nerve pain from so many injuries & surgeries to put my joints back together) and over the course of a year or so, fought my way out of a wheelchair after a surgery went wrong a few years back. I've also survived all manner of physical and psychological abuse from my parents and ex-partners, including one ex who tried to beat me to death.

    Sooo I have no problem acknowledging that I'm immensely psychologically tough. And Wonder Woman affected me so much and meant so much to me as a woman that I cried on and off throughout it, twice, lol.

    Crying isn't a sign of weakness. It's your body's response to the chemical overload of overwhelming emotion. And it's important that we're able to be affected by things like that and to unpack why and how they make us feel those intense feels. I'm proud of you for being open to that in a world that tries so hard to beat the feels out of us ☺💖 Wonder Woman cries, too xox

  8. Dark Matter is Awesome, not the biggest fan of Farscape, Firefly was great. I also like the Expanse. I love the Thrawn Character! Maude your just like the mothers using their children for views! I did like the format of this video!

  9. give Six of Crows by leigh bardugo a read if you enjoyed ToG
    i find it to be a lot more fun and well-rounded
    im finally getting to red seas under red skys and boi is scott lynch an amazing author

  10. P: I picked up Skyrim again. Oldrim with lots of mods. I'm playing as a Breton alchemist with two-handed weapons, light armor and really high speechcraft. She has been fun.
    W: I've started watching Gravity Falls on Hulu. I love the combo of cosmic horror/mystery with the goofy kids show. It is adorable.
    R: I started reading Prey by Michael Crichton, but it has been weeks since I picked it back up, so…
    D: Job hunting and trying to eat healthier and remain active. Just adult things, I guess.

  11. If you like the Star Wars books you should check out the Star Wars New Cannon Book Club ! It's a podcast with Jesse cox alex faciane and mitchell Davis they talk about the books and sometimes about the movies but they're crazy entertaining and probably at your level of Star Wars fandom !


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