And especially, this season, after playing in season 6 and 7, she was anointed as such.

She was evicted by a 9-2 vote on Thursday.

It was a sad night but Janelle was the highlight of BB22.

Janie, as she is referred to passionately by fans, has played her fourth season and probably her final one.

And for the first time, she was evicted before her BFF and ride-or-die Kaysar Ridha ( another super fan fave).

The Sun had an exclusive interview with super real estate agent and reality-TV gamer.


One of your most famous moments in BB clips and memes is Kaysar asking you why are you so exhausted, and you said, “Because I’m 40!” 

Right? Hit it! (Laughs)

I’m 46, can you imagine how tired I am? 


Why did you play again? 

I was initially put in this again as a maybe. Why would I come back? I’m such a huge target. I said, “My hesitation should say yes ( I won’t play)… I am such a huge target that I will be kicked out week one.” But considering it was an all-star season, I thought there would be bigger targets and I would last 6 weeks if there are big, big players in the house. Honestly, I came back for the fans. I came back for the last hurrah of the show. And I came back for CBS – they have given me so much, from career-wise to friends. Everything, really. I did it for the fans and CBS.

Why didn’t the players realize you were a big ‘meat shield’ and keep you? They are such morons!

Right? I play a very old-school game. If I’m hated in this house, which I have always been, use and abuse me!. If people are intimidated by me, keep me in the house, right? Use me! People this season are playing a very scared game, since week one. They don’t want to ruffle feathers. At the end of the day, the people who evicted me will be on the block. Whatever.

By the way, you trended at the top of Canadian’s Twitter the first week of Big Brother. Also, BB22 has ranked as the no. 3 shows in our county.  

I love Canadians so much! Awesome! I always tell my friends that I’m from a very small town in northern Minnesota, that I am practically Canadian!

Jaysar is a huge super couple. Have you figured out why that resonates with fans yet? 

I think it’s the most raw and natural relationship. Everyone knows what it’s like to have a friend; someone you trust and confide in. Kaysar was going to throw his game (this past week) for me. He is very special to me. Kaysar and I will always be friends.

I think you’re the best player to compete in the game. Why do you resonate with fans? And you’re so confident that you are Queen Janelle.  

People know when I step in that house, I’m there to play. I’m completely driven and passionate about the game. And there in nothing no one can go to take that away from me.

Would you play again? But I’d rather see you play Survivor! 

Survivor is my favourite show. Would I play BB again? I don’t know. I think there’s no chance. If they called, I would consider it. But honestly, the game is so long….. I would be out in four weeks. But if they invited me to do a shorter Celebrity Big Brother season, I would say yes. One-hundred per cent.

You and Kaysar have so much chemistry – would you do a TV show together? 

I’m really into my real-estate career. I like playing Big Brother. I was never into TV; I could care less about Instagram followers. I don’t really want to do more TV. I mean, if something was presented, to me, I always consider everything – but it’s not my goal.



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