Kingslayer? Queenslayer? Or Savior of King’s Landing? How will Jamie be remembered when he finally takes Cersei out? In this video I go over a few theories that can help define the Lannister Legacy and how someone can help ensure people kmow who the man Jamie Lannister was. Check it out. Thanks for listening, and please enjoy!

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  1. yes i do in fact the translation of the word valonqar is gender nutral it could be a little sister that being so Arya could kill her but even staying with it being a man the hound is a younger brother so is Theon the list is as endless as who will be Azor Ahai ????xxx

  2. I dont know about jaime, for me it a three way tie

    1: stay kings guard to danny
    2: rule castley rock with brienne.
    3: after kills cerci just sheds all his gear, gives sword to tyrion and just goes and lives in bravos.

    I think he will go live in castley rock only if brienne because of her he has been wash from cerci's spell.

    I can see this happening, after the dust settles and all the white walkers are dead, i see danny heart not in it anymore her and tyrion go back to essos and rule as king and queen. which leaves jon to take the throne (prince that was promised). sansa will go to winterfell. Bran will die he will fight the night king in his dream form which he will die but will somehow turn him back into a mortal ( stab him withdragon glass in the leg before the final blow) then jon would finish him off. I did have a theory about jagen but now he might actually be rhagar so am totally baffled by him.the hound goes and lives at a farm where he kills everyone for their chickens. Ayra will marry gendri and rule some castle somewhere. pod will remain by brienne side but may be made a small lord (where his wife goes to bed and wakes with a smile every morning =() )

  3. I hope, Jaime kills her. And noone get it, that the wildfire was actually produced against the wights? Come on, it is too dangerous under KL, bring the whole stuff to the North against the dead. The wildfire is now only just a dead end.
    Anyway, I hope, if Jaime kills Cersei, he will bring the wildfire to the North. And face with Bran and answer for his crime, what he did to him (Lannisters are good in murdering children, Jaime is not an exception, bad charma, no wonder, that all their children died, they deserved that).

  4. i think somehow cersie will burn herself. ultimately will ask Jamie to kill her and relief her of her pains. jamie will not want to do it but finally he will choke her. but i dont think this might happen in season seven but in season 8 most probably.

  5. Bronn once said several times.. what she's not blond enough?? I am wondering who's the blondest chick on the show DANY !! What would happen ..if Jamie just fell for Dany? Took out Cercei for her?? But I really would love it if Brienne got Jamie cause there's some *sparking* going on there

  6. The Valonqar is Pod
    He is the son of Tywin Lannister and the ex-wife of Tyrion.

    There are a lot of details bringing to this conclusion.
    One is Tywin pardoning him for the stealing of his own ham.

  7. Whatever main Lannister 'characters' die, the Lannister ARMY is still considerably larger than any other, except perhaps for Dany's combined forces which suffer a horrible equipment disadvantage when compared to well armed and well armored Lannister forces. The Dothraki have NO useful armor of their own, and Jorah showed that their blades are useless against Westerosi armor. Also, they show no real battlefield discipline. Taking on Lannister forces, they'd be like disorganized barbarians versus the Roman legions. In my view, there will have to be Lannister forces involved in the end-game scenario versus the whitewalkers, if said end-game scenario is to make any sense (the Dothraki are heading into the 'coldest winter in a thousand years' without a proper shirt among them. I really don't expect them to fair well). It's just a question of what 'redeemable' Lannister will lead the Lannister army (i.e. if Jaime kills Cersei and then-himself, Tyrion will have the rightful claim to Casterly Rock and leadership of the Lannister forces. He may have killed his father, but the claim would still be his by right…you might say, he paid the iron price).

  8. Like +MarkClifford said below, I do not think Jaime will die by his own hand. He's been through too much for that kind of ignominious ending. I think he'll be "saved" either by Brienne, or Tyrion who will convince him to join Dany in the Battle for the Dawn. I think that is where Jaime will meet his end, possibly as the true Azor Ahai. Jon will be the Prince who was Promised, but Jaime will be Azor Ahai.

  9. I agree with most of it but I think it will be Brianne will be the one to write down Jamie's accomplishments as the head of the Kings/Queens guard. Just my theory

  10. the clean bowl is still a toss up I think but Jamie killing cersie is for sure gonna happen. I don't think he will kill himself tho, but I do think jamies page in the white book will be filled with the truth about what Jamie done and why and the truly good deeds and good things he has done I honestly think Jamie is a good guy with a bad family which in turn will ruin anyone I've seen it happen in real life and I seen where you had said in a video that breanne beat Jamie when they fought remember Jamie had been held captive starved and was sick and weak I think a fully healthy Jamie lannister is almost unstoppable the only people that is close to his level is Jon, breanne, the hound, maybe bronn, the red viper was the only person I think that could of easily killed Jamie but the one handed Jamie better seen tick to killing qyburn and cersies because he would be killed by anyone else

  11. GRRM often likes to pay homage, or at least give a nod to the classics, ie Brotherhood w/o Banners/Robin Hood, Frey Pie/Sweeney Todd, Lady Cranes mummers/Shakespearean propaganda plays. So yeah am hoping he gives a shout out to Mary Shelley by having Frankenmountain go batshit (^%

  12. Re valonqar theory, Cercei believes itll be Tyrion, so yeah the full-circle Jaime=V would serve the narrative. Methinks Cercei brought about her childrens deaths by her actions; classic example of self-fulfilled prophecy.

  13. Plausible theory re Bronn/Frankenmountain. My theory is that Qyburns monster will short-circuit, run amok, kill Qyburn before Bronn or someone else takes him out. His character has been kinda underused so far–more of an ominous threat–he is due for some epic badassery!

  14. I do love Bronn as a character. He has a good sense of humour – but I will never forgive him for that horrible rendition of "Unchained Melody" that he did as a duet in Robson and Jerome. I did love the part where Catelyn had kidnapped Tyrion and taken him to the Eyrie, and Bronn agreed to fight in a trial by combat on his behalf. Bronn won the fight by doing some dodgy stuff, and sending him through the moon door. Lysa Arryn said to him "You don't fight with honour!", and Bronn replied "No – HE did!".

    Basically though, Bronn is a sellsword. He won't do anything unless it's going to pay him well. He has no honour, and his loyalty is to the person who pays him most. Until Tyrion's trial that is. I suspect Bronn was bribed to turn his back on Tyrion, since they obviously wanted to frame him for Joffrey's death. Cersei is so entrenched in her hatred of Tyrion at this point. She even accused him of killing their mother (she died just after birthing Tyrion). Even Tywin despised Tyrion, but admitted that he stopped himself from drowning him as a baby.

  15. TBH, I thought we would get the valonqhar scene at the end of series 6 – the murderous look on Jaime's face when he realised what Cersei had done, and also that his last child, Tommen, had committed suicide as a result of his mother's actions. As for Jaime, I doubt now whether he'll die in Cersei's arms. As of now, he won't be able to be in the same place as Cersei, given what he knows about her. I predict he'll certainly die in the arms of the woman he loves, but it will be Brienne's arms, not Cersei's arms.

  16. ayyy brother im liking the bron vs the mountain theory its accutally possible considering that bron said he had a strategy to take down the mountain by evading his attacks and tiring him out to tyrion in season before he refused to fight him so it's very possible and also the book of Jamie's deeds aswell is a very possible theory and I'm glad your subscribers are growing i subscribed to you when you had around 30 subs now you got over 100 dw by the time season 7 is out you'll have deffo over a 1000 good up the good work bro


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