It’s already cold in Winterfell when King Robert meets his old friend Ned Stark to make him an offer he should have refused…

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  1. I don't think that Robert is "still in love" with Lyanna. He's in love with an idealized image he's been constantly improving and optimizing in his head. An image which comes from a time when he was at his best, had all the action (and more :-P) he desired. Lyanna knew full well that Robert would betray her just a fast with other women as he did with Cersei, and was thus not interested to marry him (not that she would have had much choice if Rhaegar hadn't "saved" her).

  2. I hate that you 2 are now in separate locations. But this video at least sounds a bit better. Still too much echo in Gil's audio, which gives into the distance effect… All in all a good re-read!!

  3. Good analysis!
    I except your interpretations completely. I think Robert did not have eny opportunity to really fall in love with Lyana. I think his honer and pride were hurt when Reagar broke their betrothel.

    One more thought:
    It is very fitting fot GRRM to write a complete saga dealing with the aftermath of the actions of his main characters. What i mean is that at least in the first three books, the heroes advancing the plot are: Robert, Ned, Reagar, Lyana, Tywin, Balon and the dornish prince.

  4. I don't think that we have to care about spoilers at this point really, but in any case, spoiler allert.

    I don't think Ned was such a bad politician, what he did he did well for many years. Noone would have easilly conquered the north and even sending an assasin would have been hard, because he was mostly surrounded by loyal men. Hist biggest mistake was going to King's Landing. He was not made for that, but on the other hand other men were also killed when they were hand of the king, it was a tough job.
    I find it ironic, that his downfall was accompanied by him deviating from his ideals. He didn't write Robert's exact words down before his death, he tried to bribe the city watch and he lied when he said, that Geofrey was the rightful heir to Robert's throne. The irony for me is, that while everyone says he is an idiot, he had a feeling and if he followed it, he would easilly have survived. So in a sense him being too rigid was not his downfall, it was him trying to be flexible and playing a political game, that he did not fully understand, but which also killed many characters that did seemed to understand it well. If he kept his conservative values 100% and stayed in the north, he would probably still be alive.

  5. Ned wants sweetrobin to be the warden of the east because he doesn't want Jaime Lannister in that position and that's exactly what King Robert is about to declare. He is trying to keep th east from the lannisters using birthright as an excuse. THe lannisters are getting a lot of power due to Robert giving such power to avoid ruling over the realm and Ned is right in thinking that's a dangerous game. So he is truly serving his king.


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