The War of the 5 Kings rages on! Who will claim the Iron Throne?!



  1. You are s freaking funny but useful at the same time.English is my second language but subtitles work fine so its cool.Congrats man you rally did a good job up here

  2. This dude requires more attention damn it,I come here after watching the seasons and I want it to be explained quickly so that I can confirm everything I know so far,and this guy is perfect at it,and he makes hilarious vids,so I think he deserves more views and sub's

    Who agrees

  3. Question:  Why was Winterfell shown to be burning and laid to waste as the two youngest Starks with the 'giant' and the girl came out of hiding? Greyjoy was knocked out by one of his own and traded in to Rob Stark's men, who had Winterfell surrounded, to secure their own freedom/keep from getting slaughtered by Stark's men.  Neither Greyjoy's crew nor Stark's would have had any interest in sacking/looting the town.  Did I miss something? 😀  Surely the fires weren't still burning from Greyjoy's initial takeover of Winterfell, given he did it with 20 men only and the time it would have taken for Stark's men to march North after finding out. (grammar bad last sentence :-D)

  4. It's Gendry and Gilly with 'G' not 'J' sounds. Couldn't you at least say the names correctly? Also, do we need to see your face for the duration of the entire video?


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