Mike and Jay have some more questions about the black goo.



  1. That's another shitty thing about nearly all sci-fi stories ever made. All alien civilizations are culturally and technologically static. 30 thousand years since the Jedi first appeared, a 1000 for the Republic in the Star Wars universe and their technology, economy and culture are precisely the same. The same with the Engineers, Predators and nearly all of them. I do understand we've had relatively static civilizations like those in the past here on Earth, but technological development of the industrial kind has shown to lead to constant and rapid change. It's difficult to imagine a space-faring race whose culture remained the same for thousands of years.

  2. Covenant was made like Prometheus didn't exist. It that led to some improvement, it would be a good thing. But Riddley seem to have heard the complaints about Prometheus not being Alien enough and, for some reason, made something far worse.

  3. I was pretty amazed at how stupid this movie was. It really proved my idea that Riddley Scott really can direct a movie visually, but is a complete idiot when it comes to plots. Ah, how I miss Schuster and O'bannon!

  4. Why was the alien civilization just one city, you'd think with the technological advancements they had their civilization would span over the entire world just like Earth.

  5. This movie series is curing me from my OCD. In the past I just HAD to own whole series and watch them all whenever a new one came along. After this one, I can safely say I throw all of them out and only kept Alien and Aliens. Thanks Ridley Scott!

  6. This movie proved, if anyone still had doubts, not only that Ridley Scott doesn't give a flying fuck anymore but most importantly that he will stop at nothing to actively destroy every mythology he helped making in the past. The guy has lost his mind. I bet Blade Runner 2049 will be a gigantic let down as well, let's wait and see.

  7. Alien prequels suck because the original Alien was a horror movie. Its like making a Freddy Krueger prequel, detailing the lives of Freddy's 'hundred maniac fathers', (who they were, and why they became patients at the insane asylum and their motivations for raping Amanda ). Its, absolutely necessary.
    Neither does it matter where the derelict ship came from, who the space jockey was or why he had hundreds of eggs onboard his ship. Or, , , if you want an answer, (H. R. Giger loved heroin), thats why.


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